Monday, December 19, 2016

Please stop handing out drugs to kids.

This post is controversial.  I know.  But I don't care.

Sugar is a drug.  It engages the pleasure centers of the brain.  It holds ZERO nutritional value.  It WILL kill you.  It makes your life miserable...except you think it doesn't....because of that chemical response you get in your brain.  It tastes good.  It makes you feel good.

Some people may be able to consume useless sugars and processed foods and be fine.  Good for you. But for almost everyone else, it's a slow and silent killer that you don't care about because it makes you feel good.

This message is to the General Public.  Please stop handing out sugar to kids.  Please stop giving candy and junk to strangers.

When we were in NYC this weekend, we at lunch at Dallas BBQ.  Without asking the server brought 4 cupcakes to the table when we were finished without us asking him to or him asking to bring them. I told him to take them away and we didn't want those.  He looked shocked and my son started crying because he saw sugar.  This pisses me off more than anything.  He was fine until he saw the sugar.  You don't think sugar messes with your brain?  If he would have brought out an avocado to share nobody really would have cared.  Why?  Not because we don't like avocados.  But because we were already full from our meal.  Why would we want to eat more?  But speaks to the brain.  Shame on you Dallas BBQ.  I know you are trying to be nice.  Try harder by actually having good service.

We also went out to breakfast.  We all had a version of eggs and bacon.  4 out of 4 of us all refused the home fries and toast.  We were expecting nothing but eggs and meat.  What do they bring?  A big slice of cantaloupe, a bowl of sugary fruit and a muffin on EACH plate.  What the hell?!?!  We didn't ask for substitutions and it was not listed on the menu as what came with breakfast.  Now, the fruit was enjoyed by the kids in a limited quantity.  It's not as bad as refined sugar.  But then the fuss about the muffins.  They weren't hungry.  It was the brain saying sugar.

On our way out....Santa was lucky he didn't give my kids candy.  I'm actually VERY glad he didn't.

And what about at school?  Teachers often hand candy out.  I know teachers do a great job as it is.  But you don't NEED to give any type of sugar out to maintain that great aspect.  So please don't!  What about at programs for kids at fitness centers/daycares/ymca?  Please don't feed the children.  Not even treats.  YOU DON'T NEED TO.  

Sugar is a drug.  I don't care what anyone says.  Let parents be in charge of what drugs they give their children.  See, I understand.  Not everyone wants to go sugar free.  It's really hard to do that.   But at least let that up to the parents.    And don't ask right in front of the kids either.  The parents are well aware that your kids meal comes with juice and dessert.  Don't second guess their decision to not order any of that in front of the kids.  See, I can handle saying no to my kids.   But at almost 3 and 5 years old, they don't quite grasp how toxic sugar is.  All they know is that it makes them feel good.

Bread = Sugar.  There is added sugar in SO much stuff.  74% of the items at the grocery store have added sugar.  WHAT!?!  

And if you think this isn't a contributor to overall poor health?  Heart disease is the number one killer in America.  What causes heart disease?  Obesity, lack of exercise and a poor diet.  A little bit of sugar may be ok.  But not a little bit multiple times a day.  Look at the cereals...all sugar.  Juice...all sugar.  Waffles, pancakes, bagels....all sugar.

Whats the second leading cause of death?  Cancer.  What does cancer feed off of?  Sugar.  AKA Glucose.

Half of all deaths in America are caused by cancer and heart disease.....let that sink in.


Some of you may be thinking...well I eat sugar and I'm ok. But are you ok?  Really?  And will you be ok 10 years from now eating the same amount of sugar?   Others may be thinking about the children in their lives and think they are ok.  And for the most part they may be.  BUT THEY DON'T NEED SUGAR!!!!!!  STOP GIVING IT TO THEM.  Kids are learning habits and developing ALL THE TIME.  If you don't think they have an unhealthy relationship with sugar, put candy in front of them and then take it away.  See how they respond to something that has ZERO value to their health.  

If you are overweight and eat lots of sugar.  Please don't think I'm negatively judging anyone.  I understand the levels of greed inside big business.  And sugar is big business.  They don't care about your health.  Food companies know you will keep buying their product.  Why?  Because they know the addictive qualities of their product.  Especially everything found in the inside aisles of grocery stores.

People....if you listen to the food industry about what is healthy, I'm sorry.  But they don't give two shits about your health.

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