Friday, December 23, 2016

Santa got you what?!?

Something I was thinking about a few years ago.  There is no Santa that comes and gives toys to children all over the world on Christmas eve.  I know I've been back and forth about this.  But Santa is cool.  I'm not too worried about either.  It is really seeing my kids entertain the idea.

But as I grow up, I read things and see things written by adults complaining about Santa and gifts and how it effects children.  I've even written a few of these.

I want to talk about one or six, we'll see what transpires.

Have you ever gone back to school and told your friends what your got for Christmas, only to walk away wondering why Santa got them bigger and better things then he got you?  Or did you always get what you wanted and didn't really care what everyone else got.  Do kids really think that Santa doesn't like them as much?  I never did.  But maybe I was one of the kids that always got decent gifts.

Have you ever lied to your friends about what you got for Christmas because you were to embarrassed about what you didn't get?

What about the families in Aleppo? You thinking about what their life is like this Christmas?  What about the family that just lost a child this year?  What about the family in the middle of a nasty divorce?  What about the kids that just lost their parents?

While I think it's great that many can celebrate a fun holiday together and for them, everything is great.  But we can't forget that just about everyone in the world is dealing with something.  And that something, regardless of how big or small we think it is, is something to them.  And it has little to do with the gifts.

But like gifts, I think we have to be careful about this line of thinking.....And I'm going to save it for tomorrow.  Christmas eve.

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