Monday, December 26, 2016

Finishing Strong...

This one is totally random.  I didn't want to write this morning.  Not because I didn't want to wake up and get out of bed.  I did that half hour early.  It's the first day of flintlock season in PA.  I'll be out wandering the woods this morning.

But I didn't know what to write about so I was just going to write about the next 3 months.  I've been doing this get up and write since March 16 of this year.  Haven't missed a day yet.  Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.  I'm part of an elite group.  No many people can say they started something and did it EVERY DAY for that long.

So I typed out the title today, finishing strong.  And I realized something.  Finishing strong is probably the most lazy, weak, uncommitted thing you can possibly do.  Who wants to finish strong?  I want to finish totally exhausted, spent, and having left it all on the playing field.

I know I used to sprint at the end of a 5k.  But this year...nope.  I wanted to push myself the whole race.  I didn't have enough energy to sprint at the end.  It's all about the middle.  Anyone can start something and most people finish.  But what do you put into the middle?

If you are only putting the effort into starting and finishing something, maybe you should rethink the something.  What happens in the middle is what makes all the difference.  The middle is sometimes messy.  Sometimes it's not fun.  But the middle is where the magic is.

The middle is really what's in control of the outcome.

Enjoy a Chuck Norris meme.

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