Saturday, December 10, 2016

But I'm not like that.

I see it happening.  If you voted for Trump you are a racist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, and hater of women's rights.   That's the group you get lumped into.   A vast majority of people that fit that description voted for Trump.  I'll stand by that, because I've seen it first hand.  

BUT.  Voting for Trump does not automatically put you in this group.  But you can't not wonder why people think that.  

You associate with a group that has a mixed identity, you better work really hard to prove that you are not like the few in the group that represent the reputation.  

I had a friend vote for Trump who as far as I'm concerned doesn't fit the typical Trump supporter description.  They have their reasons but they are sick and tired of being called names just because of the association to others that are total assholes.  

I get it.  This shouldn't happen.  But it does.  And it's been happening ever since humans existed.  It's not until we feel it's effects on our own lives do we realize how much it sucks.  

You see six "muslim looking" men on your airplane when traveling home for Christmas in 2001.  What are you thinking?  And this hasn't stopped since either.  

I'm not opposed to abortion.  But if I say that in certain christian communities, I'm a baby murderer.  No...I'm not.  

Oh.  And what if you are black?  

What about just being a Man?  

What about being a woman? 




Hillary supporter. 


Honor Roll Student. 

There are so many groups to be generalized into.  Stereotypes happen.  You are being stereotyped and you also stereotype others.  You can't deny this.  

I wish people would just get to know people for how the person is, not the party they accompany.  And since it's Christmas time....who was that alcoholic and glutton that hung out with the shits of the world?  Oh....that was Jesus.  

So.  Next time you get all pissy that someone categorized you into a group that you associate with.  Don't get pissed at that someone.  Get pissed on the culture you helped create.  

When someone makes a generalization about a group you are in and you don't fit it, instead of getting mad, be the exception to their generalization.

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