Saturday, December 31, 2016

Let's just put 2016 to rest ok?

And the notion that is was one of the worst years ever?  Really?  What is wrong with you?  Maybe it wasn't the easiest year for you, but please stop throwing around that it was the worst year ever.  Unless of course, you did have a really difficult year, but I think if you did you wouldn't be the one saying silly things like this is the worst year ever.  I think though, that because you've experienced hardship, you learned that through it all it's not as bad as some have it.  Still doesn't negate your hardship, just helps you understand that 2016 isn't to be declared the worst year ever.

Lets talk about some worse years.  1348.  The Black Death took out a third of the population in Europe.

1492.  No.  Not the part about Columbus.  That part where the pursuit of "Christian Europe" killed, converted, expelled or enslaved nearly half a million muslims.  At the same time expelling the Jewish population too.  The years following didn't look much better.

1836.  The peak of instate slave trading.  When nearly a quarter of a million people where shipped west to work in fields.  Those same fields a few years ago were owned by Native Americans.   1837 and 1838....yikes.  Hopefully this isn't the "great" america so many want to come back.

1861-1865.  The Civil (which was anything but civil) war.  Nearly 650,000 American Soldiers were killed in this 4 year war that put family at war with each other.

1943.  Geez.  The God Damn Holocaust. (I wonder how many people were more shocked at God Damn than thinking about the holocaust?)

Now...lets move onto 2016.  Donald Trump is elected the new President of the United (I use that term loosely) States. Though the effects of this have yet to be determined.  Harambe died.  There was the Bastille day terrorist attack killing 85 in France.  The worst mass shooting in recent US history at The Pulse night club in Orlando.  Hurricane Matthew taking the lives of over 1000 and counting in Haiti.  And lets not forget about the continuing civil war that is happening in Syria right now.  With over 250,000 dead as a result.

Ok.  2016 is pretty bad.  I don't know that anyone can definitively say that one year is worse than another.  But for most of the people I see posting about 2016 being the worst year ever, none of the above really effects you in a negative way all that much.  So unless you are speaking for those that have fallen victim to some of these atrocities. I mean, you are still alive to post about 2016 so there's that.


I really want to reiterate that if you did have shitty year, or you lost a loved, that I'm not saying it's not that bad.  I'm not even going to compare it to events in the past.  I'm sorry you had a rough go of things.  And I don't want you to lose hope.  But I bet that even through it all, even you don't think 2016 was the worst year ever.  And honestly...if it is for you, share your story.  I'd love to hear it and I'm sure others need to hear it as well.  But you don't have to.  It's your story.  And you can do what you want with it.

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