Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone that reads my blogs on a daily basis.  I do appreciate it.  I know some of them are good...others aren't as much.

But thanks for walking with me through thoughts.  Some only remain as that, some help build belief. But for the most part I'm exploring different ideas.  Maybe you resonate maybe you don't.

I hope though, that you realize that nothing is off the table to talk about.  While I may not hit every subject, everything that comes to your mind is worth exploring.  It may not be worth acting on, but figuring out where that thought came from.

Wherever you are this Christmas day, whether you love this holiday or hate it, take a deep breath.  Now do it again.  And again.  Take yourself you the place that brings you the most joy.

I'm not gonna pretend everything is good for you.  It might not be.  I don't have any words that will magically make you feel better.  But you just be the best you that you know how to be.  And that is enough.

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