Saturday, December 17, 2016

Please, Bear with My Belief

I'm just gonna roll with this on a snowy saturday morning in NYC.

Every now and then I'd slip this into a conversation about abortion...."If I was a fetus today, I'd love to be aborted."

Throws people off a bit.  It sounds suicidal.  It's not.  I'm not unhappy with my life.  Especially after finding the right drugs.

But if I was a fetus today, why not?  No one knows the future and the only thing that would be emotional are the thoughts of what could have been.

My question to many Christians is if they believe aborted babies go to heaven.  I have yet to have that question answered with a no.  So what's the problem?  If you believe aborted babies go the heaven, isn't that pretty awesome for the fetus?  It sounds to good to be true.  If you really believe that, then you could focus your love and care on a mother who is having a go of a very difficult time.  Most likely their life circumstances aren't that good and you can focus on ways you can help in her present situation instead of being a dickhead about how bad you think abortion is.   Why don't you shift your attention onto what causes women to consider abortion in the first place.

This is something that I really struggled with as a Christian.  What happens to babies when they die?   What happens to people that have been shared a false gospel about Jesus?  Who is responsible?  I certainly think the person that spread the false gospel should be held accountable and the one that was lied to should get a free pass into heaven.  Or at least be judged on the truth that they have known.

Unreached people groups for example.  If they've never heard the gospel of Jesus, and the bible says the only way to the Father is through the Son, wouldn't they go to hell?  That sounds harsh.  That also puts alot of pressure on christians to get the gospel to them.  Or, like babies, do they just go to heaven if they've never heard the gospel?  If so, why go?  Why give them a choice?

You see....all these things make it very hard for me to believe in Hell.  In fact, I don't believe in hell anymore.  AND, at this point, the only heaven I believe in is one that all people go to.  Even the people that choose to not believe.  Even Jesus says to forgive them, right?  For they know not what they do.  And my guess is....if someone doesn't believe in christianity, it's most likely because of asshole christians.

You know what I love best about belief.  Is that no one is right.  And no one is wrong.  You believe what you believe.  No one can prove or disprove what happens when we die.  So, see you assholes in heaven.

Anyway....that's all for today.

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