Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Glimpse of Mornings and Fear

I wake up now without an alarm at about 5:19am everyday.  As soon as my feet hit the floor decisions much be made.  We live in a split level.  6 stairs to get to the main living area and another 6 to get to the basement. Bathrooms are on the top and bottom.  I try to minimize the amount of stairs I encounter.   This forces the decision to pee first or go to the kitchen and make coffee.  If I pee first that means I have to wait about 6-8 minutes for the coffee to brew before I go all the way downstairs to the studio.  I usually go down to make coffee first, then I go back upstairs to pee.  I check Facebook for a bit while I'm there and usually the coffee is about done.  Then I go down to the basement.   I know.  So complex.   I guess I could pee on my way down, start the coffee and sit in the dining room for a few minutes.  Yes.  I think I'll try that tomorrow.

I put my coffee in mug I got from Haiti that was hand made.  I bought it for my wife, but I end up using it more than she does.  I buy one every time I go to Haiti.  Most of them are of the 8 oz. size and uniquely fashioned, one of a kind, experiment mugs.  But not this one.  This one is a big 10-12 oz. mug.  I've commandeered this mug.  It's missing a handle, but it's still usable.  I also fill up a travel mug that keeps my second serving warm until I finish my first.   I finish catching up on Facebook once I get to my computer while listening to indie folk radio on pandora.  I hope something catches my eye that I can write about.

When you write everyday about random topics that cross your mind and you don't want any repeats it can get difficult to find a topic.  But today I'll share about an experience that keeps happening in my basement.  I'm not sure many will believe that this happens, but I can't deny it.

The spooky creature stands
right there in the doorway and
just stares at me for a few seconds
When I look out the door of the studio, I can't see that far into the other part of the basement.  Due in part from the light of the computer screen and the tiny 25 watt light bulb providing light.  I keep a soft glow.  It's still enough to cause my eyes to not see well into the dark hallway.  Occasionally I'll hear little noises out there and glance out.  Nothing.  But every few days I'll hear a noise and there is a silhouette of short person with light colored and frazzled hair staring at me.

It about scares the shit out of me.

See, this short, frazzled hair creature has been visiting my wife upstairs as well.  Sometimes my wife tells her to go downstairs.  So she does. She's a quiet one.  Definitely not afraid of wandering down into dark spaces.  Thanks to her, now I am.  She just stands in the doorway until I turn and look at her.  I think she knows exactly what she's doing and enjoys every minute of it.  Once my heart calms and I realize who it is and what she came for.  Then, I gladly let my daughter snuggle up in my lap and help me finish my writing.

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