Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Atrocities and Shit

Right.  None of this may be real, but it might all be real.  

What is Trump doing?  I've asked every time I've talked about Trump for any Trump supporters to try to explain and makes sense of the decisions he's making.  I asked why they voted for him.   I haven't heard anything yet.  Despite me still holding out hope that there is some grander plan.  

The day after the election I got a phone call from some salesman.  Sometimes I answer if I'm bored and want someone to talk to.  He asked where I was from and when I said PA, he congratulated me.  What for?  Because PA was a crucial win for Trump.  I asked why he thought I'd be excited for that.  He said it because I was a small business owner and Trump will be good for small business.  I asked how.  I heard silence for a minute.  NOTHING.  HE GAVE ME NO ANSWERS.   I told him I was legitimately curious.  He hung up on me.  

And lets talk about Aleppo as well.  Refugees.  First, let me tell you that I can think a little more clearly about it since I'm on anti-anxiety meds.  Two months ago I would have felt responsible for fixing it all and since I couldn't I was a worthless piece of shit.  Now I know I'm not personally responsible for fixing everything, but I am responsible for helping in any small way I know I can.  

So many people are afraid of bringing in refugees because they are scared a terrorist might come in with them.  Don't be afraid.  Terrorists are already here.   If a terrorist wanted to come to the US, they'd just buy a plane ticket and fly here.  Why go through the trouble of trying to get in as a refugee when it's so hard to get in the US as a refugee?  They have billions of dollars.  They could buy their own plane and fly it in themselves.  Terrorists aren't coming as refugees. They are already among us.  They look like you and me.  They look.....just like humans.  

Imagine if our country is being destroyed.   That if we were being shot just for walking outside.  And that Canada and Mexico were perfectly safe.  Or even Europe.  And they all said nope.  Sorry, a bad guy might come through as well.   It makes zero sense to me.   But I guess we all die right?  Seriously.  We all die.  So who cares when.   

Anyway.  If you want to help.  check out this from TIME.  Maybe you can use some of your Christmas money.  

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