Wednesday, August 31, 2016

13 Reasons why God wants you to be in Ketosis.

Introduction: Have you ever done a three day fast?  Many do one day, many skip a meal.  While I think this have more to do with self control than anything spiritual, good for you.  But three days, that's where it's at.  I highly encourage it.  This piece is more geared to the christian community.  Because that's who I was with when I did my fasts.

What happens on a three day fast?  Day one is ok.  You fight some urges to eat.  Your belly is growling.  Water/coffee/tea just isn't cutting it.  But you want to experience a fast so you press on.  Then day two happens.  And you are miserable.  Day 2 of a fast is the worst!  Reality sets into your body and it is screaming at you for food.  It's HUNGRY!  You want to give in.  This is when most people cave.  Day 2.  If they only knew night was darkest right before dawn.  Day 3 you feel like you are as high as a kite in a tornado!  You feel amazing.  You feel like you could fast forever.  Energy levels increase, hunger secedes, and you realize that food isn't the source of your life.  God is.  It's in incredible feeling.

But I hate to be Adam and ruin that for you, but you may only be partially right.  If you believe God created you, than yes.  God designed it so that third day, you'll experience something you haven't experienced since the womb.  Ketosis.  Since your body has no access to food, it switched from burning glucose/carbohydrates and starts to burn your stored fat.   It creates bodies called ketones.  Studies have shown that your body functions 70% better using ketones.  Seems fitting that this is what God intended. Our ancestors didn't have access to food like we used to.  Most likely they were in ketosis.  If you spread human history out over a football field, processed foods showed up at the quarter inch line.  Processed, fructose, and carb heavy foods that contain ingredients that you don't even know how to pronounce.  Yes.  All created by Man  And what do they always say in Christian communities, Man will fail you.  And they mostly did with all the groceries in the middle of the store.  Can you survive?  Sure.  But if you want a Godly way of eating, Keto/Paleo is the choice for you.

Obviously...I'm being somewhat sarcastic about it being a Godly diet.  But it makes sense.

What happened on the third day?  Jesus rose from the dead.  Coincidence?  That third day of a fast you all of the sudden have a breakthrough on how good you can feel when you clean up your diet?  It's like you rose from the dead.  You have new life.  Don't screw it up.  Eat real food.  You are already in ketosis, you just made it through the hardest part.  Day 2.

FYI, I don't recommend fasting to get into Ketosis.  But while you are fat adapted and in ketosis...fasting is incredible.  I'm looking forward to my first 5-7 day fast in september.

Not just for Christians....
A few years ago I did a 3 day fruits and veggies fast.  This was before I knew that fruits contained carbs and my body would treat the glucose from fruit as it would, well, glucose.  But it's still better than a snickers bar.   So I would eat lots of fruits and veggies.  As many as I wanted.  And olive oil is a veggie, right?  Olives?  After three days, I realized it was to easy.  So I switched to liquids only.  I drank water, and I'm pretty sure I only had simply nutrilite antioxidant juice. 30g of carbs in an 8oz. can.  But I had 3-4 a day,  So if I wasn’t in ketosis, I was getting very good at burning fat for fuel. I was feeling awesome.  I had no cravings for anything.  Not even wings from the conference afterparty at The Coliseum with our amway leadership team.  I was even selected to do a chug and chew contest at the conference but I refused because the food bar would break my fast.  I felt that good.  And you don't just refuse to do the chug and chew.    The next day at church I got a bit concerned.  I thought I had an eating disorder. I was feeling amazing but I didn't want to eat.  I had never felt so good.  So I talked to the pastors.  Told them I couldn't eat.  They asked why I was fasting.  I didn't really know.  I just wanted the challenge to control food.  And I nailed it.  They convinced me to eat a donut.  A DONUT!!!  Where did we get it?  Church.  Don't trust the church to handle your wise nutrition choices.  Bye bye fat burning.

And for everyone else doing a fast just for the experience of a three day fast.  While it can be a spiritual experience, it's mostly science.  It's our bodies adapting, sparing muscle, and burning fat.  As it was designed to do.  And now, after almost 4 months of being in ketosis....I can tell it is a spiritual experience.  And it's just amazing.  And I have visible abs now, which is cool.  Never had those before.

Reason 1: see introduction.
Reason 2-13: see reason 1.

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