Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Wow.  This is about my 120th blog in a row.  Every morning.  For about 4 months straight.

What started as therapy for me to release a bunch of shit from my head turned into something I look forward to.  Not just for the writing, but coming down to my studio with a cup of coffee.  It's mostly the coffee.  And I get to light a candle.  It's more the experience now then it is the writing.

Yesterday I went berserk cleaning in here.  I moved all my guitars to a different wall so they are all cozy up here in the corner hanging on my right.  I hung two of my bikes on the wall where the guitars used to hang.  And nestled my mountain bike next to the piano.  We finally have room for the couch that we've been talking about getting to actually use this as a quiet place to come down to and close your eyes a bit.

Even though that couch will come from the clearance section at value city, it may have to wait.  Transmission in one of the cars went out.  Did I write about that yet?  Yeah.  Our 2007 Santa Fe, the whole transmission just went kaput.  So that's gonna be a little bit of a financial set back.

That's it for today.  Nothing deep, nothing controversial, nothing inspirational.

I have really enjoyed finding memes to post in my blogs.  that's probably one of my favorite parts.  There are so many to choose from.  That will be my big thing today.  I'll go find a funny, inspirational meme to share.  Have a nice day everyone.

OH!!!  while I was looking at memes I saw one about being an entrepreneur.  So I had to make the remark on that.  Here is the definition of entrepreneur - a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.  So, if you start an MLM please don't call yourself an entrepreneur.  Could you make an argument, sure.  But the real entrepreneur is the one that created the entire MLM.  You are just a distributor.  And you can earn money being one.  You didn't create anything.  You didn't create a business plan.  You didn't hire anyone.  At least at first.  You are a small business owner.  Which is great!  But don't call yourself an entrepreneur.

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