Tuesday, July 19, 2016

They must hate you that much more!

I'm kinda at a loss for words this morning.  Not sure if I shared this little thought I had yet.  But I'll do it again anyway.

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend.  We don't see eye to eye on many things.  They are pretty right leaning in their politics and ideologies.  I'm more left, but I don't really like to choose sides like that anymore.  I've learned not to argue with people when we disagree.  And this time proved no different.  We got on the topic of refugees and immigrants.  He said he had lots of well established immigrants that frequent his business that worked really hard to maintain and establish residency and citizenship here. They have worked really hard and are contributing members of society.  And they are all pissed at these refugees and others fleeing to the US for their safety and a better life.  Like they didn't earn it or work hard enough.  As if the risk of dying by gunfire or bombings weren't hard enough.  They are just being let in and provided food, housing, health insurance, blah, blah, blah.

I'm not so sure it works quite like that.  But all I could think was....gee, I wonder how they feel about you.  All you had to do was get born.

I don't care how anyone got here.  Be grateful.  Don't be a douchebag.  Contribute in positive ways to society.

Upset about foreigners going into a country and taking jobs?  Yeah, me too.  I think missions trips that people go build stuff are pretty rude too.  I mean, the countries they do this to are already in pretty rough shape and the people could use some work for pay.  Yes...you heard me.  Stop building stuff.  Raise money and hire people to do the building.  You go be a tourist and give communities a cash injection to spur their local economy.  

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