Thursday, July 7, 2016

If God is Real. But God's not Real. Maybe God is RealTree and we can't see God.

So.  Before I start this morning.  God is NOT gendered.  God is not a he or a she.  God is often referred to as a he or him by Jesus and many other biblical characters.  But this is only because they view God as a father figure.  NOT that God is a human.  God is not a human.  So I will try not to refer to God as a he or she.

Now here's a kitten.

I've always found this phrase funny.  Because I had a youth pastor that said it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission.  In todays world of consent first, I strongly encourage people to not follow that advice.  It is not easier to ask for forgiveness.  But, he wasn't talking about that.  Don't worry.  I hope not anyway.  But so many people use God as a vending machine.  If I put my money and service into this thing I'll get something in return.

It's not secret that I have been struggling with what I believe about God and Christianity over the past year or two.  Does God exist?  What about the Jesus story?  What role do they play in life?  Even if they aren't real, what changes?
Does anything change?  Because the story is still an amazing story that teaches valuable lessons on life, love and caring for the least of these.  But it's still relevant to me to search for undeniable truth that God exists.  Apparently there is historical evidence of Jesus, and something most certainly happened as a result of his life.  A movement around
the time of his death that make the roman empire go berserk.  So live and love like Jesus.  Cool.  Got it.  But I don't see much of that in Christianity lately.  Lots of condemnation and Judgement.  Let me remind you who was attracted to Jesus.  All the ones it seems the church is critical and judgmental of.  And who was Jesus most often pissed at.  Who did he have strong words or judgement to?  The religious folk of his day.  He had some intense words for the leaders of the church especially.  Called them snakes.  A brood of vipers.

So.  After my son listened to "A Prayer" by kings kaleidoscope.  He asked me if I loved God.  Put me on the spot.  I took a minute or two.  Drew in the sand for a bit.  I told him that if the God I want to believe in is real, then yeah, I guess I love God.  He said without missing a beat, "Daddy, God isn't real!"   Music to my ears.  "God is in your heart!"  Mind.  Blown.  WOW.  The wisdom of a child.  God is in your heart.  My God is not the same as your God.  What is in your heart is different than what is in my heart.  But what if we all looked to the life of Jesus as an example of the true nature of God.  Of forgiveness, grace, peace, love and a welcoming spirit.....and you followed your heart.   Does it matter if any of it real?  I don't really think it does.

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