Friday, July 8, 2016


Gonna be hard to pull this all together.  But I'll try.  Sadness.  I felt sad for the first time this week.  No, not about all the shootings.  I'll get to that.

This weekend in The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs NC.  I went there last year in the midst of one of the biggest emotional roller coasters I've been on in my entire life.  It was the the merging of me discovering who I really am and the deconstruction of my Christian faith.  It was at Wild Goose where I met many of the people that I listened to that played a big part of me knowing I wasn't alone in my thoughts.  I had an amazing time.  So many eye opening experiences.  Even the town of Hot Springs is absolutely charming.   Wild Goose is where I got the idea for the majority of my tattoos.  Including "Trust the River".  This years theme is "Story". And do I have quite the story.  Wild Goose is where I got inspired to build this studio in the garage for me to create.  Fast forward a few months and my wife and I were in the middle of her deciding or not to take another job.  She decided on it and we knew it would throw summer plans into the air.  Immediately I thought of Wild Goose.  But it was partly because of my experience at Wild Goose that I was ok with not being able to plan that trip this year and focus on my wife.  But dang...this week.  Thinking about Wild Goose.  I'm sad.  There is a yearning in me that is making it hard to not be there.  My extended family is there.  Those are my people.  But I realized something.  I wasn't mad.  I wasn't angry.  I wasn't bitter.  I knew why I was in this situation and it was because a relationship was healed.  I was healing.  I was experience this deep sadness and longing.  Something I never recall experiencing.  It's was usually bitterness, anger or frustration.  Sadness is nice feeling.  We will visit Wild Goose again.  Don't worry.

Speaking of sadness.  I'm not going to get into Facebook discussions about the senseless killings happening.   2 compliant black men earlier this week and now 5 policemen in dallas.  I'm hearing ignorance being spewed from all sides.  I can see the hurt and pain in those that have lost loved ones. There is an anger that is boiling.  The suppressed anger of a community is coming out.  And I don't blame them.  A volcano is about to erupt.  And when that happens, you can't fight a volcano.  You have to let it release it's steam and lava until it's satisfied.

When will we all see and be treated like people.

I would typically get angry and lash out against one group or another.  But there is no group at fault here.  There is a group that's a victim.  But we are all responsible.  

I don't think there is anything I can say that will change one's mind.  Sure I have my views.  Guns aren't going to solve anything.  You see how guns were the reason two innocent men lost their lives which led to 5 police losing their lives.  Guns.   You say guns will protect you.  Guns will protect others.  Well, you see what happens when people arm themselves.  Police don't know who the good guys and bad guys are.  They don't know motives.  No wonder they are on edge all the time.  So go ahead, get a gun.  Even if it's legal.  Unless you're black.  Then you'll probably get shot because your black and you have a gun.  Even if it's legal and you are complaint.  That's RACISM!  And that is exactly what is happening.  This violence isn't new.  The cameras are new.  Social media is new.

It saddens me.  Especially when I see church leaders admitting that they've been silent to long on the racism issue and instead of apologizing to the very people they've hurt, they apologize to God instead.   WHAT!?!

That is all.  I could continue down rabbit holes.  Cops shoot white people too.  White and black people shoot cops too.  The only thing I suggest is acknowledge the fact that everyone needs to be a part of change.  Silence won't help.  I don't know what will, I just know what won't. This might not.  I'm just talking it out at this point.  I started talking out my feelings when I finished talking about Wild Goose.  I was hesitant to bring any of this up, but last years theme at wild goose was about this very thing.

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