Monday, July 4, 2016

Let's Talk about Freedom

It's the 4th of July weekend.  Lets's talk about Freedom. I'll be the first to admit I'm fairly ignorant on US history, let alone world history.  Lot's of wars were fought over land and freedom.  It's probably the number one thing people fight for.  Freedom. From what?


No, we all die in the end.  That can't be it.  But there is that amount of time between birth and death that we'd live to customize to our preference.  That's freedom.  

Last night...and the previous 2 nights some people in the cul-de-sac at the end of the street have been setting off fireworks.  No little snakes and sparklers or fizzling whisker ticklers.  These were some big ones.  By the third night, it was getting old.  From 8-10pm these were going off.  I know it's a holiday weekend, but my freedom to sleep in peace with my window open was infringed by their freedom to set off fireworks.  hmmmmm, their freedoms infringe on mine when mine bothers no one.  This is why laws were created.  To protect freedom.  And in doing so, freedom is being taken away.  The more freedom we have the less we have.  So I finally called the police.  Yes.  I am that guy.  I don't feel like going down and dealing with the type of people that don't have the common sense and decency of keeping their private but not private display to half hour or less and at a reasonable hour.  However, the state police didn't drive through until they were all over, about half hour after I called. 

You might think I'm a jerk for doing that.  Cool.  Maybe I am.  

But me being a jerk comes at a cost.  They could be actual mortars.  It could be gunfire.  It could be the sound of far off explosions.  I could live in a country where war and unrest is the norm.  So I should be happy that it's only fireworks for one weekend a year as an annoyance.  But good people fought and died for my right to sleep with my window open without being annoyed by fireworks put on illegally.  In fact, by setting off illegal fireworks, you are disrespecting and abusing your freedom.  

Look, I get it.  One night of fireworks....fine.  But three nights in a row of illegal fireworks being set off illegally at random times throughout the evening is ridiculous. 

But on a more serious and relevant note, what do you need freedom from?  Bills? Debt? An unhealthy lifestyle or relationship?  Addiction?  We have the freedom in America to get free from those things.  It may not always be easy.  And you might have to fight for it.  You may be incredibly beat up by those things.  But what are you willing to do for freedom?  Some situations are harder to get out of than others.  Maybe someone else is holding you captive.  Don't give up.  I don't have the answers.  I only have the words of  Bob Marley, "Better to die fighting, than to be a prisoner all the days of your life."

Little bonus material.  What are you doing with your freedom?  Can you enjoy when your fellow man is oppressed?  I'm not talking about Americans.  I'm talking about people around the world who live in a constant state of oppression, violence and fear.  Every day wondering if they will survive or not.  Enjoy your beer and hot dogs today.

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