Thursday, July 14, 2016

This post is not sexual by any means.

I read an article this morning about a motorcycle crash in Kentucky.  There was a man who had taken a photograph of the accident and it appears to have a ghostly like figure rising from the body of the victim.  Photoshopped or not, I don't know.  Maybe.  Maybe it was a camera thing.  I've had light orbs show up in photo's I've taken that aren't visible to the naked eye.  Hell, cartoon characters even show up on peoples cameras that aren't visible to the naked eye.  However, give it time, I'm sure people will start believing that they've always been there.

Back to the spirit like thing.  I see a lot of comments that it's beautiful.  What's beautiful about it?  That someone died?  Or the opportunity to see something that is most likely total coincidence or a photoshopped image?  Some saying it looks just like a spirit.  I have a question...what exactly does a spirit look like?  A human shape?  Have you seen many?  What about a the make up of a spirit would make it visible?

I feel incredibly sorry for the family who just lost someone.  If they want to believe they saw a spirit leave the body, great.  I don't want to take that from them.  But that's for them.  Not everyone who's lost a loved one has an experience like that.

I've had experiences where things have been almost too coincidental.  That it was pretty obvious something supernatural really could have occurred.  But every single time, they were still natural.  Just rare.  I was 18 and was driving my 1993 Nissan Extended cab pickup listening to P.O.D. and the song "Thinking about Forever" came on.   I wasn't in the best of spirits and the song mentioned about if you can hear me, give me a sign, send her a butterfly or two.  And at that moment, one of those little white butterflies flew through the cab of the truck?  Supernatural?  The song said "her" not "him".  So...  BUT....It was still a neat experience.

I've had several other like that as well.  Guess what though...they usually happen when I'm looking for them.  When I'm trying to make sense of things.

Why am I writing this?  I hate when people are so convinced their spiritual encounter is real.  It may have been....but maybe that encounter was just for you and you alone.  Don't cast your pearls before swine.  Not everyone is going to meet your excitement about it.  Keep it to yourself and continue to move forward based on your experience.

I had someone ask if I wanted to hear a God moment.  I rolled my eyes and said sure.  Now, they live in the smallest house in their neighborhood.  It's only about 4000 square feet with a finished basement and they are constantly making upgrades to everything.  So, very modest people.  they were looking to find a certain type of plant for their landscaping and where having a hard time doing it.  Well, on their way home they were held up for an odd reason.  And when they finally pulled back into her development they saw a landscaper putting this type of plant into his truck.  So they stopped and asked what he was doing with them.  He was going to toss them, so they asked if they could have them and he obliged.  They were so excited.  They were convinced God held them up so they'd see this guy throwing away the plants.  Good for them.  I'm glad they had a marvelous experience.

Here's my problem....So many people are waiting on God because that's all they have.  They are wondering where there next meal is, where they might sleep tonight.  And here's someone who is clearly taken care of excited that God gave them this plant to put in her 4000+ sq. ft. house with a finished basement who boasts that they have over $600k in the bank and could pay the house off but like the tax benefits of having a mortgage.

That all being said.  I know this person has to deal with their own issues.  And I'm certainly not implying that God will not take care of the desires of their heart.  But sometimes, it's helpful to keep that God moment to yourself when others right in front of you can hardly even put food on their table.

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