Friday, July 1, 2016

Sure...have some death.

Many people think I vilify sugar/carbs.  You are right.  I do.  Making up for all those years people vilified FAT.  As I was eating my 4 eggs cooked with coconut oil and some organic colby jack cheese a few days ago I was's so smooth and slick.  It slides all over the places.  How in the world would this stick to anything.  But then I'd remember what funnel cake, breads, noodles and sugars do....stick to everything.  So, what causes your arteries to clog?  My guess would be the sticky stuff.  AKA, your low fat diet.   I'm not going to act like I have all the science, I might be wrong.  But so could all the stuff you post on the internet too.  But here is an article...with studies cited.  Believe it or not.  Saturated fats are not bad for you!

It's so hard to get away from unhealthy carbs.  People hand them out everywhere.  Cookies are given to people as a gift.  Pies and cakes are always made.  We celebrate with these because it's a sweet treat.  The problem, these sweet treats are consumed daily.  They aren't much of a special occasion anymore.  We went to a restaurant last night and the said they'd bring rolls to the table.  NOOOO, I told them.  Just bring the butter.  What for?  Why bring rolls?  We just ordered dinner.  Here, have a roll of death before you eat your meal.  A roll serves no nutritional purpose whatsoever.  All it is, is a vehicle for the butter.  The butter is what we really want.

At the church my son goes too, the lesson was symbolized by a bag of oreos, goldfish, m&m's, peanuts, raisins and other sugar rich snacks.  WHY?!?!?!  What's the point?  Please stop this.  Let the parents determine what the kids eat and don't bring food it because it's ok for your kids.  It might not be ok for the rest of them.

But are those foods really bad for kids?  Probably not.  Those little buggers are so active.  But they don't really know whats good for them other than taste.  They have no consent.  And you are essentially feeding their future addiction to sugars.  And sugars have been proven to be addictive.  And sugars, as a food you are addicted to is not good.

What is our fascination with food?  It's incorporated in everything.  It's amazing how little food we need for our bodies to perform and a fantastic level.

I'm not harping on overweight people.  At all.  I'm sorry someone at some point got you hooked on this awesome thing called food.  And now it's really hard to control it.  I don't look at people in less than ideal physical condition in disgust.  To me, it's not about looks.  It's about how you feel.  Are you happy?  Are you healthy?  Do you want to be?  How bad do you want that?

Oh, the happy part?  There are some pretty direct links to your gut health and your mental health.

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