Tuesday, July 12, 2016

You Know What Else is a Sin?

I've got no good way of starting this...so here goes.

You know how many times over the past year I've heard someone tell me they are worried about me? Or that they are concerned for the direction my life is headed?  


A few have sat down and asked how I was doing.  

Very few have even reached out over a message to say whats up.  

It's also usually from some of those people who tell me that others have been asking about me.  Which I find quite interesting because none of those people they speak of asked me themselves.  It leaves me wondering.  Why not?  I have my theories, and I'll share one.  But you know what else it does?  It makes me wonder how much of a monster I really appear to be.  How much of a loose cannon I might be to have people afraid to approach me about things.  And this only makes me further retreat into my cave of solitude.  

Most of the people that don't ask me directly are often bothered by some of the things I write.  They are convinced I'm wrong or in a dark place.  By consulting another about me, they have their chance to try to sway that other person on why they are right about me.  And isn't that like gossip?  Talking about someone behind their back?  That's a sin right?  And not only is the one inquiring about said person sinning, they are trying to bring another person into it with them.  Some of these same people who are so quick to call out other people and their "sins" are so blatantly ignoring their own sins.  And these are the "holy" people that think they know what's best for everyone.  Or so they think.   

End of the day...if you really care about someone, talk to them.  And if you think you can't talk to them, ask yourself why you even want to in the first place.  If it's important enough to you, you'll figure out a way to cultivate some sort of relationship so you can get to know them and can discuss whatever problem or concern you have with them.  

There are tar pits in Los Angeles where over 3 million fossils have been found.  From prey to predators they are all there.  Wooly Mammoths would be fascinated by the reflective surface and assume water was available only to find themselves stuck in the tar pit.  They wouldn't be able escape it's clutches leaving them to a long, slow, and painful death.  Often times a predator would see the struggling prey and get stuck themselves.  Both suffering in agony.  As equals.  I bet they became friends as they lay struggling in the pits.  Neither can help the other, Neither can destroy the other.  The Mammoth and Sabre finally get a chance to learn about each other.  

Maybe we should approach life like the two mammals left for dead in the tar pit.  As equals.  Otherwise...we die.  A long.  Slow.  Painful. Death.  Standing right next to our opposition, ignoring their plight the whole time.  

In the tar pits....we are all equal.  

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