Friday, July 29, 2016

I'm getting a little political

Trump.  For the record....this quote wasn't ever said by Trump in people magazine. I snoped it.  Just to be sure.  But I'm still going to put it here because I believe it's something he would say.  I don't believe republicans are the dumbest group of voters in the country.  But I'll tell you what...whoever is supporting Trump, republicans or not are starting to make me question that.  Now hold on here.  I'm not individually calling anyone dumb.  And neither is this meme.  And don't think this is pro-Hillary blog.  It most certainly is not.  She's a career politician.  I think it's amazing that in the past ten years we've had a black president and now a women is running.  That's awesome.  However, I'm not gonna get so caught up in that.  Can you be a good president?  Can you represent America and ALL of it's people well?  Can you be respectful to countries around the world?  Can you be calm under pressure and make good decisions?  Are you of good character?  So far....I don't get any of that from Donald Trump, the presidential candidate.

The things he says about different races, religions and even women.  Yes, women.  Calling them fat, ugly, and just plain denigrating to them.  And even worse things about those from other countries.  The things he says....if Obama or any other Democrat said them, Republicans would throw a fit.  Absolutely throw a fit.  I mean, if a fit were to be had, they'd throw the best fit.  Republicans throw the best fits.  But when it's one of their own....most remain quiet.  And whats sad...most will remain true to their party despite who the runner is.  That's also sad for Democrats too.

I hope I'm right here.  But I still believe Donald Trump doesn't give a single shit about the country.  He's playing one big gigantic joke on the political system.  I've heard from several people that have met Donald Trump as an individual and fall in love with the guy.  And quite frankly are wondering why there is a different Donald Trump running for president.  This is why I believe he's making a mockery of politics.  He's saying whatever he wants because he doesn't care.  He's proving a major, major point of how committed people are to their party and revealing just how selfish people can be when it comes to "their" america.  Seriously....think about it.  Even if he becomes president and takes America down the drain, what's he got to lose?  I mean, we all die eventually right. I'm not here to spread fear about a Trump presidency.  I'm not hear to prop up Hillary Clinton.  I'm just encouraging all to think about the things that he's saying.  Even if he's saying good things.  What about all the denigrating things he's saying about people that have helped build this country?  If he's capable of saying that, what is he eventually going to say about you?  He knows he's clearly not fit to be a president.  Again...imagine if a democrat has ZERO political experience, has 5 kids to 3 wives (which I don't think is all bad, I just think the fundies would throw a fit), says the things about women and foreigners as trump did...etc.   Imagine a democrat refusing to show their tax returns (people still can't stop talking about a birth certificate).  Republicans would be all over that.   He's got to be in the middle of some sick twisted joke...and if he is,  Kudos to him.  It's about damn time someone stood up to the stupidity of a two party system.

Dang...I'm almost starting to like this Trump guy,  because if he is doing this to prove a point about the current political system he's a doing a great job.  And it's genius.  But I really, really, hope that's what he's doing.  And I don't agree with how he's doing it.  But it would be so absolutely absurd that it would get people's attention.  I mean, Trump does absurd well.  No one does absurd as well as Trump.

And as far as my thoughts on Hillary.  She's a career politician.  She knows the job.  She watched her husband do it.  She made some bad decisions for sure.  Got caught up in a big email scandal and even contributed to the deaths of some innocent people.  JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT HAS DONE in one way or another.  I don't know all the facts...but is she capable of being a president? I don't know.  Does anyone know if anyone is?

And here's what it comes down too.  Straight party republicans who don't like Trump refuse to vote democrat.  And most won't vote third party, which looks like Gary Johnson.   Same thing for straight party democrats and Bernie supporters.  They are so angry at him for supporting Hillary, they'll likely not vote for her or trump.  Will they vote third party?   You know...if Gary Johnson turns out to be lesser of three evils....why not?  Why not show your disgust about (that I hear almost everyone complain about)  our two party system that you actually do something about it?  Your preferred party might lose...but is it worth 4 years of potential disaster to get a third party on the ticket next year?  I think it would be.

In the world of Netflix, Amazon, 86 types of jeans, 200,000 types of shoes, food options galore and so many other choices that effect us so little, why in the world would we settle for ONE OF TWO presidential candidates.  C'mon america.  Wake up.

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