Sunday, August 21, 2016

Body Shaming and how you've been lied to about food.

So hard to find a good meme for body shaming that isn't over the top mean one way or the other.  It's crazy...all these memes saying to stop body shaming or often putting down others in the process.

It was suggested to me that I write about the naked Donald Trump statues that were placed around.  I'll be honest.  I haven't read much about it.  And I don't know much about body shaming.  So I'm gonna write about it.  But remember..i'm not an expert.  This is how I understand things.  I might be wrong.  But when it gets to the food part.  It seems to be working pretty well for me and many others I know.

So, if you haven't see them and would like to look, there were several statues of Donald Trump erected is several large cities.  They were incredibly popular with many people stopping for photos.  Some would say more popular than Trump himself.  But others were upset.  Some said that body shaming is NEVER ok.  Even if it is Trump.  Who's body shaming?  I didn't hear anyone shame him.  The dude is overweight.  That's his choice*.  I'm not sure if the statues were to scale or not.  I'm not even sure what the point of these statues were.  Quite honestly...I don't really care one bit about them.  I've heard some nasty things come out of Trump's mouth regarding different people groups.  So if someone fired back with a naked statue, whatever.  Have at it. Continue to make a mockery of the presidential election.  It already is.  But these my opinion...are not body shaming.  I can put a drink on the decide if you want to drink it or not.

Do you know what body shaming is?  Anytime we think a body type is "normal" and judge another based on that normal.  We tell someone they are too fat or too skinny.  In reality...we don't even know what a "healthy body" looks like.  If we saw someone that was fit and lean with 6-7% body fat they would appear to skinny.  But what if everyone looked like that?  They aren't skinny.  In fact...if anything was "natural"  this would probably be it.

Before I go on.  How do you feel?  Physically, mentally, emotionally.   If you feel great, awesome.  The rest of this blog is not for you.  But be honest with yourself.   How do you feel about the way you look?  How about how active you are?  If you aren't happy...Don't be discouraged.  If you feel bad or unhappy with the current state of your body, odds are, you didn't do anything wrong.  You've most likely been either lied to or never really understood how food and exercise work.  And...dare i say, you were a victim of money hungry assholes that would rather get rich then help your overall health.  And odds are....they've been lied to as well.  I'm not here to say you and you alone are responsible for how you look or feel about it.  Food is a drug.  Well, it acts like a drug.  I loved my food.  Still do.  Just found some new ones to love.  Like bacon wrapped shrimp doused in butter. people.  What do the experts say?  Learn how to make your money work for you!  Let your money make you more money.  Food is similar.  Learn how to make your foods work for you!  Learn how what to eat and when to eat to produce weight loss.  Don't want to lose weight?  No problem.  Eating properly has many other benefits.  Which I won't go into.  This blog is already long. Do you have type 2 diabetes?  Don't like taking medications...listen up.  Listen to these 2 dudes. They've been incredibly helpful in my keto journey.

Yes...I've lost almost 40 pounds over the past 3 months.  I've never been as physically fit in my life.  I've been eating Fat.  Yes. Fat.  But wait...fat is bad for you.  No.  It's not.  You know what is bad for you?  Not caring what you eat.  Fat, Carbs, Sugar, protein...all of it.  You think you will lose weight on exercise alone?  Nope.  Won't happen.  You can't out exercise a bad diet.   The key to weight loss starts in what you eat and what you don't eat.

Here's the big catch.  What we eat and our gut health plays a role in our mental health.  A lot of the foods that we eat seasonally, their smells and tastes trigger the pleasure sensors in our minds and help us feel good.  But then that food goes to our gut and does the opposite.  Except later..after the food...we don't associate that shitty feeling with the food.  So to fix it...we might eat more comfort food.  And the cycle begins.  Exercise might help us feel better mentally, but it won't help with how we feel when looking at the scale.

Ok...this is getting confusing.  There are so many competing responses by our minds and bodies when it comes to food.   And changing your dietary habits is HARD!  Really hard!  We associate food and experiences that contain food to how we feel mentally.  And lets be honest...we care more about how we feel mentally than physically.  But the two are so can't pick one or the other.  Otherwise you'll be fighting that battle forever.

And please...don't compare to others.  I know some very fit and lean people that don't exercise much but can eat whatever they want.  Don't be confuses...lower weight doesn't always mean healthy.  Heavier people doesn't always mean healthy.  EVERYONE is different.  Everyone has a different metabolism.  And even your metabolism can change.   But one thing that is very similar is how the macronutrients in food respond in your body.  This is the key to losing weight.

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Again...I've been accused of victimizing carbs.  I'm not saying carbs are the enemy.  But carbs...they are like alcohol.  Too not a good thing.  Hey...too much fat isn't a good thing either.  I have yet to over consume fat.  It's really hard to do.  Stuff is filling.

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