Saturday, August 27, 2016

Wow. Mob Mentality at it's worst.

Moron.  Idiot.  Douchebag.  Disrespectful asshole.  Dickwad.  Scum of the earth.  Hates America.  Pisses on our soldiers.  Send him to a third world country.  Get the fuck out of America.

All of these things were said to Colin Kaepernick about his decision to not stand during the National Anthem at their preseason football game last night Aug. 26.

Are people that upset at Kaep?  Or do internet bullies just want to vibrate their jingles?   We've got two different issues going on here.

One.  Kaep's got a point.  We do have some racial tension and oppression going on in America right now.  And lots of people are turning a blind eye to it.  They refuse to acknowledge that it exists.  And it's going to take extreme measures to bring attention to it.  Like rioting.  That has been shown to be effective at drawing attention.  However, rioting is not the best course of action to incite long term change.  But I understand the riot response.  And I don't blame anyone for it.  Frustration comes out.  Riots happen all the time in every single one of your households.  And they happen when you feel like you haven't been heard.  A door slams, a toy gets thrown, someone yells....etc.

Two.  I don't know how much the National Anthem has to do with this.  You have a right in America to not stand during the anthem.  I have even read of many military men and women that would prefer it not be playing at sporting events.  That it's nothing more than a show and not heartfelt.  I've written about this before.  What happens when the act is passed down but the feeling and emotion isn't?  People begin to question the act because they don't understand the why.   Like the chef that always cut his roast in two.  Claiming that his grandmother did it and it cooked the best roast.  When in reality, the large roast didn't fit in grandmas roasting pan.  So she cut it in half and used her two smaller roasting pans.   If you never know why something is repeated, it can lose it's value.   Today's generation is contributing to America in so many different ways than in years past.  I believe you can have a deep respect of America and it's soldiers and veterans without singing or standing to the national anthem.  That respect comes in all varieties.  And I'd much rather have someone give it in a heartfelt way than to fake it.

Back to my point.  What is the deal with the hatred and vitriol spewed at Kaepernick?  I know he may have not chose the correct way to express his thoughts and feelings, but I think he's trying to raise awareness in a nonviolent way.  Something we should be supportive of.  I don't think he did it in the best way.  But really...what is the best way?  Because it seems the only way people pay attention on a large scale is if someone does something really controversial.  But the message intended to be delivered by the action, is lost in the action.   See what's happening here?

I don't think he intended at all to disrespect soldiers that have fought, are fighting and those that have died.

Honestly.  You know who I think is the bigger disrespect to america?  Those throwing insults around. Not just to Kaep.  But to everyone who they disagree with.  Patience, listening, and an attitude to understand is what is needed between Americans.  Let's not create so much division.

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