Monday, August 29, 2016

Food part 4. Sustaining for Success.

I might as well call this part 4 of my little exercise/life story/food choice series.

How do I sustain eating habits that aren't the same as what I've always done, and what normal food culture doesn't follow?

Easy.  You take ownership of your decisions.  You do what's right for you.  You make a decision that this is for life and you don't have to do things you don't want to do.

When you make a change for the better, especially dietary change, people may question the integrity of your plan. Don't confuse this for criticism or negativity.  I think deep down, just about everyone wants to make a diet change but are so skeptical of just about every single "pitch" out there for a diet plan.  They've been lied to about how to lose weight and be healthy so they've just given up.   Their questioning isn't spoken in a manner to discourage you.  It's more about how they feel.  And they may not want to see you let down.

The key to anything...commitment.  The ketogenic way of eating requires that.  At least a month straight.  No cheating.  If you eat something that isn't good for a ketogenic way of eating and don't get the desired results, it's not the fault of's your own.  But guess what, you can start again with minimal setback.  Oh...and honestly, there are so many foods you can eat on this diet that there should no reason why you'd want anything else.  But it the beginning when you are learning, you are more susceptible to eating something that you probably shouldn't have.  Don't sweat it. Use it as a learning experience.

You might be thinking, I don't want to change my diet to one where if I eat excessive carbs I'll feel like crap.  But weren't you already eating in a way that if you ate an excess of something you felt like crap?

What happens when someone brings cookies and donuts into the office as a thank you?   Simple.  You don't eat them.  What happens if I get invited to dinner and they are serving spaghetti?  Well, you know there are certain foods like pasta that is often served as a main dish that you can't/shouldn't eat. So you can either notify the preparer that you have some "food sensitivities" and need to be aware of what's on the menu.  They will be just fine with this.  Trust me.  Why would they want to serve you food that would harm you?

This is getting a little bit longer.  And I'd like to spend some more time on social eating while eating Ketogenic.  So let me save Part 5 for tomorrow.

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