I still think Donald Trump is playing everyone for a fool. I'm serious. I think his whole point of running is to prove a point that some people will vote straight party no matter what. And I actually think that he's doing a good think if that is indeed his purpose. Because someone needs to reveal the stupidity in doing that. All I needed to see what the baby comments. That took the cake. I think he staged the baby in the crowd. Have you seen it?
There was a baby crying at one of the rally's. You might say why bring a baby, those rallies could be aggressive and violent. Well...there's your first tip off. Why would a rally for the president of the US be aggressive and violent? Second, we should be celebrating engaging our your children in the politics of the country. So why not bring them? Show them what responsible adulting looks like.

THE MAN JUST HUMILIATED SOMEONE THAT WANTED TO BE THERE TO SUPPORT HIM SO BAD THAT SHE BROUGHT HER KID. HE LIED TO HER AND THEN MADE FUN THAT SHE ACTUALLY BELIEVED HIS LIE. He's spelling out for you guys right in front of you. What do you think he's gonna say to you when you actually realize this whole thing was a lie and he was just "kidding". That it's all some sick, twisted joke that he's clearly capable of. I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS.
This is the side of Trump that I like. Not enough to get on board with a presidency. Not even close. But that he does bring out things that are wrong with this straight party mentality. At some point you need to realize that it just doesn't work. I think Trump is even flabbergasted at the things he can do or say and people still think he'd be a good president.
I can't believe I wrote about Donald Trump again.
Here's one for you. Maybe Trump and Clinton are working together to get a third party party some recognition....Sanders almost screwed it up. But once they tipped him off of their plan he all of the sudden switched and promoted Clinton. Crazy? Is it? In this presidential election, nothing would surprise me.
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