Friday, August 5, 2016

Make America Great

Again.  Right.  When was that?  Pre-1492?  At least the vikings never established and tried to run native people off their land.  Trade only it seems.

Seriously.  Please tell me.  When was America EVER great?   America has had some good moments, don't get me wrong.  It is certainly an awesome country.  But dang do we have our flaws.  Big time.  Overall, looks pretty good.  For most of us, in our own little bubble, things are pretty good.  But for others...things aren't so good in America.

How do you make America great?  I'm seriously wondering.  What is it that the people that support Making America Great want to do?  Someone tell me.  And then tell me how that will make America great.

It's funny, people often asked why we should help people in other countries when we have so many in need in America.  Most of those people that often asked that leaning.  Now is your chance republican party.  All those people in poverty you were referencing will now be helped.  Because they are Americans.  And we need to make America great.  I hope that making America great means that all will finally be treated as equals.  Unless that's not great.

I'm just rambling this morning.

People around the world have real struggles this morning.

Some wake up wondering about how they will live without their husband or wife who recently died.

Some will wake up wondering what they will feed their children today.

Some will wake up wondering how they will make their mortgage/rent payment.

Some will wake up wondering if they will be bombed today.

Some will wake up and wonder how they will tell their kids they are getting divorce.

Some will wake up and wonder if they'll still have a job today.

Some won't wake up.

Some won't wake up, but get out of bed and proceed with business as usual.

Some will wake up and continue to deny self and help others.  This can be exhausting and you must not forget to take care of your self.  

Some will wake up and continue to deny others and help self.

Everyone has a story.  Everyone has worth.  Everyone has value.  Everyone has something to contribute.  If you want to make America great, include them all.


Everyone must feel like a part.  Everyone must feel as if they are included.  Everyone must feel as though they belong and are loved and are welcome.

So if that is what "making america great" is all about....awesome.  If not, please move along.

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