Sunday, August 28, 2016

Food part 3. Calories. FTS. Stop counting them.

As promised, today I'm going to share my philosophy on why I don't count calories.  Simple.  If you are tying to lose weight, calories don't matter.  As long as you are eating the right amounts of the right kinds of foods.  If you have your foods balanced out properly for weight loss, calories take care of themselves.

I may be very blunt and abrasive in this blog.  I don't know how else to do it.  But know this.  I'm not criticizing anyones food choices.  I'm not judging you if you eat the things I don't.  This is for people that are so desperately trying to lose weight but can never seem to make a lasting change and ENJOY it.

As always...this blog is based off of things I read and how I remember it.  It is not to be substituted for actual scientific research.  So if I do say something that isn't exactly accurate, please, do tell.  And hear so many different sides to the story when it comes to nutrition. 

The only thing I'd argue, dump the diet soda.
Some people can still drink it...but there are
much better options.  
Here is how I understand carbs.  Simple carbs like candy, cake, and fructose need to die.  You don't need them.  Breads and Pasta's too.  Not necessary.  Trust me...after three weeks you won't miss them.       THESE KINDS OF CARBS YOU SHOULD NOT BE EATING.  EVER.  If you are trying to lose body fat these carbs will only make you feel awful and keep you from losing it.  They hold barely any nutritional value at all.  And food manufacturers put them in damn near everything.  Watch your labels.  

Complex carbs, like those found in fruits and vegetables.  You still have to count those too.  Sorry.  They are still sugar.  Though arguably not nearly as bad, at all.  But they will still inhibit fat loss.  So when it comes to fruits and veggies.  I limit my intake to 3-5 blueberries, raspberries or blackberries a day.  IF that.  Maybe a strawberry or two.  A slice of tomato or two.  Very minimal amounts.  Leafy green vegetables are a good option, so is cauliflower, broccoli and asparagus.  You count your net carbs by taking the total carbs minus fiber.   The biggest misconception I had about complex carbs were that I could eat as many as I wanted to eat when dieting.  So I ate LOADS of mostly high sugar fruits.  This provides me with glucose and I was using that for fuel...and not ever getting burn body fat.  

Nuts....peanuts aren't nuts.  I haven't had a peanut in months.  Almonds, walnuts, pecans, brazil are some of the nuts I eat.  But  

Alcohol?  Yeah....dump it out.  Remember me?  The guy that was drinking 1-2 bottles of whiskey a week, who's favorite pastime was trying new beers?  Yeah.  I stopped cold turkey.  I can count the number of occasions I've had a drink over the past three months on one hand.  Last night...I even tried a scotch whiskey and a rye whiskey (old favorites),  had one sip and dumped them out.  I wasn't going to force it.  I simply did not enjoy it anymore.  That being said.  There is wine, beer, whiskey, vodka and other alcohol that you can enjoy.  In limited moderation, of course.  But check the carb count.  And don't overindulge.  That's when craving kick in.  In my opinion, it's best to avoid these for a month.

What about artificial sweeteners. There are some like Stevia, Xylitol, and erythritol that you can use.  Though I would suggest decreasing the sweet tasting things as well.  To help eliminate the cravings.  With these sweeteners, to each their own.  They can effect you in different ways.  

THE KEY TO BURNING BODY FAT IS LIMITED YOUR CARBS.  To what limit?  I start with 20g net carbs.  I haven't been over 20g net carbs for well over 3 months now.   I would say, beginning of may, I was easily eating over 500g of carbs a day.  So don't give me that shit that you can't do it.  Is it hard...maybe.  But you know what else was hard?  Getting fat and being overweight.  You know whats not hard?  Eating scrumptious fatty foods and losing weight.  

So what do you eat?  What's a plan?  Well, we found these to be awesome.  The three day kickstart is awesome.  My wife just incorporated this way of eating and used the three day kickstart.  the "keto flu" was minimal.  Though I like to call it "Carb Withdrawal Flu".  Keto is healing.
3 day keto kickstart
And then we transitioned to this 7 day eating plan.  And dang.  This food is some of the most amazing food I've ever had in my life.  I'm not joking.  At all.  You just wait.  You won't believe that you can lose weight eating this stuff.  I've been eating these same foods over the past week with her and I've lost three pounds.
7 day best food you've ever had in your life

There are lots of books to help you understand this much better.  Fat is not bad.   You've been lied to.  Oh...I'm also not saying carbs are the enemy.  I'll come right out and say fructose and added sugars are.  There is no need for any of that.   You may eat a wide variety of carbs, proteins and fat and still maintain a healthy body.  Great.  I'm not talking to you.  Unless you want to talk fueling on your endurance workouts. I'm talking to all the people that want to lose the donuts they ate ten years ago. And those people that can't seem to make any diet work for them.  This way of eating works for you. 
I showed you that proof yesterday.  

There are several books on the topic including these three that will give you all the science you need. And they will help you understand this way of eating.  Also...the first one, Keto Clarity.  It has an audio book.  That's what I got.  It contains so many stories of people that have used this diet to lose hundreds of pounds, from themselves.  Some over 200 pounds.  And many have reversed metabolic disease and diabetes.
Keto Clarity
The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

If you are into podcasts,  2 Keto Dudes is my favorite, but there are several others as well.
Two Keto Dudes
Keto Talk

I also like these two that aren't necessarily Keto.  But they are fat burning/paleo podcasts that include bits of great science and information.
The Paleo Solution
The fat burning man 

OH...and you don't need exogenous ketones to make this work.  Do they have benefits...yes.  But they aren't worth it or needed, IMO, to live a ketogenic lifestyle.

Last but not least.  This group is made up of friends of mine all on different stages of their keto journey.  It's a great place for encouragement and information.  It's a private group, so we can have private conversations and our friends outside the group will never see.   Feel free to join!
BC Keto facebook group

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