Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jonathan Ruins Things too

So I've been watching this show, Adam Ruins Everything.  I love it.  I haven't watched every episode though.  I'm not one for binge watching anymore.  But the premise of his show is to explore common things.  How did they originate? What's the real story?  Do we really need.....?  It's very enlightening and he includes sources for all his claims.  Which he even says might be wrong.

The episode that got me hooked was season one episode one.  He talked about charity and how the best thing you can do is give money.  No community food drives or soda tab collection.  Just write a check.  Seriously.  Everything else is for you to feel good, not the actual needs of said charity.  Don't go buy canned food, don't clean out your closet.  Just give money.  I'm sure volunteering certainly helps, but bring money too.

Then I watched the one on vitamins and nutrition.  He talked about how vitamins got started and then proceeded to say that you don't need them.  You get plenty in the foods you eat already.  So save your money.  Good to know.  I know personally, I've never noticed a difference on how I feel with or without them.  And I've even lied about that to try to sell a product.

And's not the most important meal of the day.   And an apple, orange juice, cereal, and bagel or toast is far from a healthy, well balanced breakfast.  So stop pretending it is.  It's mostly sugar.  And you really don't need to eat it anyway.  Actually, most of what you think you know about proper nutrition isn't backed by science at all.  And is false.  Did you know that the obesity epidemic started when a low-fat, high carb diet was rolled out? hmmmmm.....  Start here and follow their science links.  If you don't agree...that's fine.  But let me remind you....I've just lost 35lbs and counting and experienced many other incredibly helpful effects like reduced inflammation, reduced joint pain, better sleep patterns and quality, increased mental clarity, better gut health, and my favorite, mood stabilization. I won't trade these back for sugar and carbs any day.  All while eating bacon, eggs, steak, pork rinds, buttered up broccoli and cauliflower, roasted asparagus with olive oil and drinking some of the best coffee ever.  Oh...and ice cream too.  here is another link for more info on keto benefits.  Granted...Adam says some of these science bulletins are bullshit.  Like the whole chocolate will help you lose weight one.... But I can vouch for a lot of what this one says.  And here is another place you can go to read more.

That all being said.  I won't judge you by what you eat.  I promise.  But if you aren't feeling well.  Not just in your stomach, but anything else.  Look at what you are eating.  It's quite possible the foods you are eating are causing it, or at least certainly not helping.   Lets all be honest though...If you had a friend who was on drugs or had a drinking problem that was hurting them and those around them, you'd want to see them get help.  For their own benefit.

Damnit.  I didn't want to talk about how awesome I feel again about switching to a ketogenic way of eating.  But I get so tired of the lies about nutrition.  hell, i might be living a lie.  But it's a damn good one.  And let me tell you...the food over here is incredibly and you don't ever feel one ounce of guilt.....  The only guilt I feel is not learning everything I can about nutrition so I can help people better.   I'm working on that though.


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