Friday, August 26, 2016

Food part 1. Making a change? Start small. Or don't.

I hear it from so many different people.  "I'm going to start exercising" or "I really need to go on a diet".

And then it happens for about a day.  I am here to help you make a lasting change.  But ultimately it's totally on you.

Don't decide that tomorrow you are going to get up an hour early and go run.  Especially if you don't like getting up early.  Even more so if you aren't in the habit of running anyway.  This might work for a day or two.  But if you already don't enjoy getting up early, you will grow to resent running.  Because running is what's getting you up early.  If this is something you want to incorporate, just start by getting up early.  Do something you enjoy.  Maybe just start with going on a walk and see what happens.  Or maybe just brew a cup of coffee and watch sportscenter.  Start scheduling your run during a time when you are already awake.  I'm sure you can find 15 minutes somewhere.

Don't try to go run a 5k your first time running.  Even if you ran that charity 5k 3 years ago.  Just go run for ten minutes.  Don't put a distance goal in front of yourself.

Run in what you are comfortable in.  Last year I ran a lot.  Maybe around 25-40 miles a week all summer.  I stopped in late august due to overuse injury.  This year I wanted to run again.  So I put on my Altra's and my hydration vest and had at it.  About half a mile in I felt like such a doofus.  I went home and left my pack at home knowing I wasn't going to go that far anyway.  About a hundred yards after that, I still felt like a doofus.  So I went home and took my shoes off too.  I got back to my running roots and went out for a barefoot trail run.  Those are my favorite.

Then, once you realize you can wake up earlier and you enjoy running again.  You won't mind getting
up and getting those endorphins going first thing in the morning.  But know that may never happen.  I get up at 5:30 every day with plenty of time to go run.  I even like running.  I still don't like running in the morning.  I don't like doing any physical exercise in the morning. So I don't.  I write.  And drink coffee.  I incorporate my movement  at other times during the day.  But sometimes, even if you don't feel like it, just start.  Don't commit to the full workout.  Just commit to starting.  If you still aren't feeling it after a couple minutes, don't push it.  Sometimes you just need a break.  But if you do get your wings....keep going.  Don't feel bad if you cut it short.  The important part is that you gave it a go, and you learned how to listen to your body.

Tomorrow I'll talk about diet changes and why calorie in calorie out is a total farce.

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