Saturday, August 13, 2016

Maintaining the streak. Like braveheart.

Yeah. We aren't home. Yes. I still was awake at 5:30. Bringing you today's edition of what's in my head.  I'm in a lobby of a hotel that's anything but peaceful. Everything else about our little weekend has been splendid. My wife took charge of decisions and I can along as a wingman. It was awesome.  Anyway, the news is on. The tv volume is up and loud. Sounds like a tin can. I HATE horrible audio quality. It hurts my ears.

I shall go on a walk now.

Let me tell you about a meme I saw. It said "a civilization that spends more money on war then it does on education and peace is anything but civil."  I saw one guy jump in and start talking about that the only way to beat radical Islam is war.  Ok, but that's not what the meme was about. Lots of arguing happened, names were called, tempers flared and no one listened to each other.  The most productive thing....the ones reading the interaction formed opinions based on what they read.

Anyway. I want to remind people that even in the greatest of movies, braveheart. What was one of the key opening lines. Argyle says to young William, "First, i'll teach you to use this (mind), then I'll teach you to use this (sword)!"

Education first. Then swords if need be. I'm not advocating violence as much as education. I wonder often if we have slowly moved to a strike first, thing later mindset.  But even in our favorite movies....educate first.  

Sorry. This ones scattered. No keyboard. All phone. Distracted. Must. Get. More. Coffee.

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