Monday, August 1, 2016

What this country needs....

Yesterday I made a status that I feel like a new person.  I still do.  But I still have my ups and downs.  That's for sure.

When I used to hear people spout off as I did about how awesome I feel and that I've never felt more healthy overall in my entire life,  it would be hard to be happy for them.  I was pretty cynical.  It was hard to be happy for them.  Thinking it wouldn't last.  You know why it wouldn't last?  People like me.  People like me who don't know how to affirm and encourage people.  Until now...the more my self esteem and confidence grows, it's easier to compliment others.

Most of the time, all people want is recognition of the hard work they've done.  Or noticing how hard their life is, and despite that, they've kicked that life's ass.   Acknowledging someone's pain and hurt as well.

I've never been good at any of that.

So many of the things we do, if we are honest, are for approval.  Some of the time, we don't even know who that approval needs to come from.  It's like we are compliment fishing.  And I often here the term, their just fishing for compliments.  Like it's something to be ashamed of.  Give them some compliments already.  They probably trying to inflate their ego...because it's running on empty.

Life isn't a competition.  That's why we have actual things like races and games.  Life is not a race, and life is not a game.

I'm beginning to see why so many people like Joel Osteen.  The guy is growing on me.  Seriously, the way he encourages and affirms people is great!  Actually, I have no idea what he speaks on.  Half pastor, half motivational speaker.  But that smile though!   I don't buy into the prosperity gospel type deal though.  But hey....all pastors don't get it right about God.  It's mostly just an educated guess.   But what he said about not talking about sin, "people are beaten down enough already......".  Ain't that the truth.  And who does the beating...we all do.

It's time to start recognizing the good that people do.  Why is it so hard?  Why do we always have to have something to complain about.  I know for a blogs would be a lot of complaining.  Lately they've complaining about the way things are and trying to find a way to change.  To even uplifting and encouraging.  More affirming of people.  I like this outlook.  I tried to find an encouraging quote from Osteen in a meme.  Instead there are hundreds of thousands trying to tear him down.  Made me quite sad.  And they say that Osteen is the one hurting people....

Maybe we should stop for a moment and instead of pushing to get better, acknowledge how much better we already are from where we started.

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