Monday, August 15, 2016

Shouldn't have done it

Yeah...I stumbled across a Matt Walsh blog about the shooting that happened in Milwaukee two nights ago.

And then I read an story written by a man who was horrendously treated by cops in front of his 7 year old daughter for doing NOTHING WRONG.  The rental car company screwed up the tags on the car and as a result...the cop treated the man like shit, threatening to put two bullets in his back.  THIS.  THIS is why people are rioting.  When stuff like that happens.  It is absolutely infuriating when someone does nothing but comply, is threatened to be murdered, has a gun pointed at him and his daughter, thrown on the ground, cuffed and thrown in the back of a squad car.  And then when the officers learned it was all a mistake....well, the man made a threatening move towards his waist.  EXACTLY WHERE YOU KEEP YOUR WALLET AND ID.


Matt Walsh - "No, you can't look for sanity or coherence here. These are just a bunch of imbeciles looking for an excuse to burn things. Nothing more. If they start up again tonight, I hope the police arrest every last one of them.
Enough. We have laws in this country. You can't act like an animal without consequences. Syville Smith learned that lesson yesterday."

A bunch of imbeciles.

Lets look inside the home...when children throw a fit....what happens?  We pay attention.  All of the sudden parents listen.  But they are usually mad that the kid threw a fit.  Why do kids throw a fit?  Most likely because they were trying to get our attention about something because we weren't paying attention.  And now we are mad at them because we weren't paying attention and they threw a fit....think about it.


When people get frustrated.  When they feel like nothing will change....

We just don't always do things the "right" way.  The left brain...the bully brain...wants to make everything logical, correct and in line.  It deals in logic.  The right way and the wrong way.  It has to have an answer. When you are sitting in a coffee shop and someone is trying to teach you how to mountain bike...the left brain is saying...this is stupid.  We are in a coffee shop, I don't even have a mountain bike.  The right brain is enjoying a loose grip on the handlebars, feet sticking to a nice set of flats, soaking up the rocks and roots, while hitting sweet rollovers, drops and jumps.

There is a mass confusion in our brains when we feel attacked.  When we are at wits end and want attention.  Or our fight or flight mechanism kicks in.  What does slamming doors, throwing toys, empty treats do?  Makes you feel powerful.  Makes you feel like you have your parents attention.  The same way burning a car, looting a store and setting things on fire does.  It makes you feel like you have the power...for once.  No.  It's not the right way to bring change.  So....

What can we do about it.  Listen.  Apologize for not paying attention in the past.  Listen some more.  Recognize how we've contributed to the problems.

Stop being a pretentious white prick.

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