Thursday, October 27, 2016

Babies and Jesus

Lets me start by giving a disclaimer.  Some of you will disagree with a lot of what I am about to say.  Some it it will fly in the face of what you believe.  I'm going to talk about abortion and Jesus.   As always...I might be wrong.  I might be right.

First off, your vote for a pro-life candidate, though well intended and speaks to your love of children, does absolutely nothing to reduce the number of abortions. may lead to more abortions.  According to research.  And I'm not going to claim anything because just about everything online is made up anyway.  But it seems as though all Republicans want to do is ban, while Democrats want to prevent.   I hope I didn't lose you already.  Because trust me...I'm pro-life too.

Ok...the following weed analogy is a train wreck.  I spend half hour trying to make it work.  Bear with me.  

I enjoy my yard.  The grass provides a nice soft surface to run and frolic in.  But along with all that fun, a weed might come up.  I don't want the weed.  So I spray the weed with weed killer.  But weeds come back.  So I spray them.  But weeds come back. Weeds keep coming.  Good thing for this weed killer spray.  Wait...someone is selling a weed prevention spray?  INCREDIBLE!  There are so many choices.  Some are so expensive.  I wish I had some help. Good thing there are programs I can take advantage of to help prevent unwanted weeds.  Because I really don't want to use the weed killer.  It's so great that I can enjoy my yard without the need for weed killer.

Proper prevention of weed growth keeps you from needing to use the weed killer spray.

A pro life vote will ban weed killer spray and defund the programs that help prevent weed growth.

This is why I am pro-choice.

Pro-life politicians are playing you to gain votes.  Show me a time in history when having a pro-life controlled congress has ever decreased abortion rates.

Abortions will still happen.  For various reasons.   Quite frankly, the reason isn't relevant to me.  It's not my decision to make.  And until it is, I have no place to judge the reasons for the decision to or not to.

If I do have a role.  It's to be a friend. To be caring.  To be loving.  To offer help when I can.

But anyway.  Onto the Jesus part of it.   And this is where you might disagree.  Fine.  But I've come to a place of peace in my belief.  You can tell me it's wrong if you want.  But I could turn around and tell you that you are wrong too.  And we can both be wrong.  And live on faith.  Right?

I believe babies that die before entering this world go to heaven.  I believe kids that die at age 4 go to heaven.  I believe just about everyone goes to heaven.  I believe that christianity in our world but mostly america is so fucked up it's no wonder some people don't want anything to do with it.  And God is aware and offers grace to those that have been hurt by "christians".

So yes.  I believe aborted babies go to heaven.  I'm not suggesting that to use it as a form of birth control.  I still value the life.  But what a gift it is that God would take care of that baby in it's afterlife and assure us that that baby is in the loving arms of Jesus.  That way our responsibility, as unaffected third parties in this scenario is to care for the mother and the emotional and physical needs she is experiencing.

The baby doesn't have a choice.  That's right.  The baby didn't have a choice in being created.  What about that part of it?  What if that baby could look at the Presidential Race this year?  There's a pretty solid possibility that they'd choose to be with Jesus over any of the winners.  What about babies born into a third world country where they'd come out suffering and malnourished for years?

I could go on.  Babies aren't supposed to be a punishment.  And why should we punish babies for risky behaviors of their parents.  And it's not always risky behavior either.  Even some of the most effective birth control will fail.   So just don't have sex.  Right.  Not gonna happen.

And please...enough with the Hillary wants to kill babies.  Are you so close minded that you can't understand what she's saying?  I'm a dumb dude and I get it.   Let me try to paint a picture...Jesus did stuff like this.  They were called parables.   You are just driving along in your perfectly good car and your brakes go out.  You are going down a hill with a sharp curve at the bottom.  Everything was fine.  Everything was working great.  But at this point you realize death or an incredible life changing injury is inevitable.  Unless you jump, even though it may hurt.   If I stay, I might die or be in a more traumatic situation then I already am.  

No one should ever be able to take that choice away from you.  

Some people want to force you to stay in the car.  Some people say you should have never been driving in the first place.  All of it isn't helpful.  You just want a hug and to be loved and comforted.

These situations are rare.  But even as rare as they are.  No one wants to even suggest that they should be forced to stay with the car.  Even if it was only ever just one.  Even the shepherd cares for the one lost sheep.

Think about it.

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