Saturday, October 15, 2016


Do you know how many times I sit down at my keyboard in the morning and not want to write?  Of course you don't.  It's often.  I guess it's not that I don't want to write, it's that I don't want to think about something to write about.

I wonder what engages people.  It's one thing to just read something.  But what gets people talking?  That's a hard one.

I'm at a weekend retreat.  Sitting in a little lounge area by the dining hall.  Nobody is awake.  If they are they haven't made themselves known yet.  There is no coffee.

I rode my bike here.  65 miles.  My legs are tired, i just played some basketball last night.  I don't know why, but if I had a car, I'd probably go home.  Not because I'm not enjoying the comaradie of a few old friends, and some new ones, but because that's just what I do.  Often times I'll just up and leave a place.  I get something and go.

I hear people stirring.  Maybe their is coffee.

When you prune a plant, you might be cutting off really good branches.  Perfectly healthy branches.  But they are keeping the plant from truly becoming what it could be.  Some things in your life might seem fine, but they need to go.  You might be really good at video games, but are they fruitful?

Not judging video games....just giving an example.

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