Sunday, October 9, 2016

Calling Out the Vipers

I want to say it again, I don't think I say it enough though it seems like I say it everyday.  These are my thoughts.  If it comes across as I'm right and you're wrong, that's why.  That's the way it seems in my head.  I'm being honest.  It doesn't mean that I'm actually right, it's just how I think.  Please remember that.  Even if I am right, it doesn't mean anyones wrong.

However.  Today is different.  Much of what I'm about to say is right.  At least it feels that way in my head.

I have a friend.  He's been my friend since I was in the first grade.  Well, that's at least the first video evidence shows we've associated with each other.  So nearly 30 years.  We didn't really connect until high school when we started a punk rock band together.  To protect his identity from strangers and trolls, I won't mention any names.  We've had our share of ups and downs, but mostly for the last 5 years it's been downs.  That's fine.  People go their separate ways.  I understand.  He lives in Florida now.  Yesterday I come across this photo on his Facebook timeline.  It's the most hurtful picture I've ever seen in my entire life.  First off...this isn't what happened.  Lots of damages happened in Florida and many people died.  Could it have been worse?  You bet.  But God had NOTHING to do with that.  I can assure you.  How can I guarantee you that.  I can't but I can tell you God doesn't value the people in Florida more than God values the people in Haiti.  Therefore there is no reason why God would take out 90% of south haiti and spare florida.  This was my response to his posted photo.  I couldn't not say anything....

"I get that Florida is Happy. But where was
the hand of God in Les Cayes, Jeremie and south Haiti where 
90% is destroyed?  800 people and counting are dead. But yeah, 
the hand of God sure was watching Florida. 
If that hand of god can protect Florida but not south haiti, 
that god can keep his hands off me."

I grabbed a few screenshots for good measure.  And sure enough.  Not 3 minutes later my comment was deleted and the photo remains.  

Why do I care so much?  This is not christianity.  At all.  This is not what it means to be blessed.  At all.  This photo is complete and utter bullshit.  Now...that being said.  The artist was very creative.  Maybe their home was spared.  Maybe their family was spared and they were praying hard.  Maybe this was their gut response of thanks to God.  Good for the artist.  Keep that to yourself.  And I bet they wish they had now.  Judging from the comment section, I'm one of thousands that feel the same way.  

But back to why I care so much.  I'm far from calling myself a Christian anymore.  Though some days I feel like more of a christian than those that actually say they are one.  I love how Jesus loved.  I want to be able to do that.  But in this situation, with the photo.  If you really feel like the hand of God spared florida,  you are like the pharisee's who think you have it all figured out.  But you have no idea.  You spread lies about how God works.  Because YOU. DON'T. KNOW. HOW. GOD. WORKS.  You have no idea what it means to be blessed.  NONE.  You might think you do.  And you might have some pretty compelling evidence.  Great.  That's for you.  FOR YOU.  No one else.  Why else would Jesus tell those he healed....don't tell anyone.   Because that's not what Jesus was here for. 

Images like this do nothing to spread the Gospel.  They take away from it.  That's why Jesus said to shut your cake hole about the miracles.  It would be a distraction and take away from the true message of Jesus.  Jesus knew it wasn't about the here and now.  It was the end game he was after.  It wasn't about the healing of the flesh.  It was about the healing of the soul.  

Damnit.  I might have to go the church today.  This is good shit.  Wait.  Just wait.  Maybe the posting of this photo was instrumental by God to get me to dig into the Bible a bit.  No.  That's not how God works.  But dang.  I'd have never stumbled across this today had I not seen it.  

Another reason Jesus didn't want people to share about the miracles was for crowd control.  You can't effectively minister to a large crowd.  Small groups are preferable.  And if people knew that Jesus could heal, what other things could He do for them?  Bring prosperity perhaps?  That's why Jesus wants to keep those healings and blessings between you and Him.  It's not to be broadcast.  

So...back to my original topic.  My comment was deleted.  But the post was not.  Photo is still up.  How do you think that makes the people of Haiti feel?  How do you think it makes the rest of the east coast feel?   

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