Thursday, October 6, 2016

These are just my thoughts.

TL, DR.  I'm asking for money for a friends ministry in Haiti. You can donate here.  They are on the ground now in Haiti and are already filling hygiene kits.  And hygiene kits are just the beginning.  There is going to be a huge impact on the life of haitians following this storm.  So many ways to donate and help.  But I can assure you, the money you give here goes directly to relief efforts.  Learn about Freedom Global Outreach here.  And in case you missed it, donate here.  Hurricane Matthew relief in the drop down.  Now...onto the originally scheduled blog, and in all reality I should have just stopped here.

I'm like Trump.  I just say what's on my mind.  I'm allowed to do that.  I realize that putting in a blog and discreetly posting it to my Facebook is incredibly passive...but I really don't want to debate or argue about things.  I just want to share my thoughts, and even here what another is thinking.  Not go into battle mode.  

I have a unique writing style.  Please don't think anything I say reflects the views of the ministries I mention.  By no means does it do.  The people involved in these ministries are much more loving and gentle then I am.  They would never say anything abrasive.  But I do.  Sometimes.  This isn't really abrasive though.  

Which reminds me.  When we keep things in for so long that when they come out it feels like battle mode.  I've done this and sometimes still do it.

You can donate here.  This is the ministry that close friends
of mine started.  They are on the ground in haiti right now.
They took in 20 or so orphans during the storm.  Orphans
they weren't even responsible for.  They just needed safety. 
Ironically, after my post on prayer yesterday I got an email calling for a prayer meeting.  It was for the hurricane aftermath in haiti.  I asked if there was going to be a special donation for those we know are going to be in need of funds.  Like the ministries this church already sends support too.  That wasn't in the plan for the evening activities.  I was a little disappointed.  Sure, they'll give information on where you can give.  And I really hope someone says they did do a special donation to help immediate needs, since this meeting was intended to help Haiti.  I'd love to type a retraction.  What things were prayed for?  I don't know I wasn't there.  I can pray anywhere.  Peace for the people of haiti?  Strength to rebuild?  Good weather for the coming weeks while they clean?  Disease to be held at bay?  All these things we'll never really know if that prayer worked or not.  Maybe, we'll hear good stories of success and rebuilding and get all warm and tingly that we prayed for that!  That's kinda like rooting for the winning sports team.  And when they have this feeling like you had something to do with it. were at home on your couch.   But in this case...the case of haiti...put your money where your mouth is.  Sending money for much needed supplies and hygiene kits will help.  There are so many tangible immediate needs you can help with.

Again...this is just my reaction. I might be wrong in this thinking.  But I've been on the praying side of things.  I've been a christian ever since the age of accountability.  Whatever that is.

And reporters....what are you reporting on?  Specifically you Tyler M.  And many other like you.  You tell a story about a local family riding out the storm in haiti.  You talk about the struggles they have but post NO link on where people can find them online or help them financially?  What's the purpose of that article other then just to write an article?  I know your purpose is to inform.  But you are informing people about those that have have real needs the moment and if you don't provide a way for people to help, you have failed.  Good job, you wrote a great article.  What for?

Don't get mad at me people.  Well, if you are the praying you understand how I feel.  You may get mad at me saying that what I'm doing isn't much different than prayer.  I'm just getting my feelings out and doing what I feel will at least have a glimmer of hope of help.  Knowing that I'm going to have to get off my butt soon and actually do something real and tangible to help fill immediate needs of those that can't fill them on their own.   Glad you agree that your prayer really won't help as much as actually going and doing the things you are praying for.   The rest is just a mental help for you.  Which is also ok.  

Over here we have Julie Reichard working to prepare meals for people in their community after Hurricane Matthew just ripped through.  They aren't back at their home cleaning up the mess at their own house.  No doubt there is one.  They immediately went out to serve. could say they never stop serving.

Underneath here is Julie's husband, Matt.  Also working hard providing at least one meal to those who have been trapped in their house for the past day or two afraid to leave for fear of the storm.  Oh...when I say home.  Think giant cinder block.   with a tarp or sheet of tin for a room.  


Their children were also here helping.  They were filling bags and helping load.  Even the children from the orphanages they oversee where helping.
hygiene kits

For those of you that pray or don't pray.  There is a need.  The best and easiest way to help right now.  Donate money.  And no...this isn't one of those huge organizations that spends a shit ton of money on marketing.  This is a small ministry helping people in BIG ways and operating on a shoestring budget.  Often times not knowing if they'll be able to continue or pay their HAITIAN staff  next month.  But that doesn't stop them.  And good people like you provide.  Or they just draw from their savings of their own money to continue the ministry work.  Imagine the stress of that.  These are some of the most serving and humble people I know.  That will never ask you for money.  Unless it's really, really bad.  But that doesn't mean they don't need any.  But I'll ask.  Please....give some money.  Give a lot of money.  I prayed that people would give money and here you are staring at this link to give money.  Click the drop down, hurricane matthew relief.

Here it is again in case you missed it.  You pray because you want to help right?  Here is a way to help.  PRAYERS ANSWERED!  PTL!!!!!  Thank you for being the hands and feet of God!

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