Monday, October 24, 2016

TWD SPOILERS, maybe. It's up to you to take the risk or not.

Who are The Walking Dead?  All this time you thought it was the zombies.  It's actually the ones that aren't dead, yet.  Except for those two from last night.  But let's be honest.  We all knew that the one guy that was going to die a few episodes ago was going to die eventually.  The writers were only priming you for what was to come.

This is Lucille.  That bat is just a silly imposter. 
But honestly.  I was a little disgusted at the show last night.  I've watched the Walking Dead since the beginning and it got a little to much for me last night.


Can't say for sure if I'm going to continue watching it or not.

A couple months ago something odd happened.  I lost interest in TV.  I'm not sure what caused it.  I loved watching several shows.  Parenthood, Agents of Shield, Arrow, The Flash, Hawaii Five-0, Longmire, Impractical Jokers, Shark Tank, and a few others I'm sure.

Parenthood,  stopped watching halfway through the last season.  No interest.
Agents of Shield, stopped watching halfway through the latest season.
The Flash, just stopped watching somewhere in the second season.
Longmire, the latest season didn't grab me.
Arrow, lets hope season 4 or whatever the one to just come out of netflix is good.
Haven't watched impractical jokers in a while.
Still like Shark Tank.
But Hawaii Five-0?  I dig that show.  Steve McGarrett is my spirit character. I'm all up to date on that show.   But the amount of serious crime that happens in Hawaii, I don't know that I'll want to visit.

I'm really not sure what happened.  I find it interesting that I'm no longer enjoying tv.  Was it Keto?  Did starting a keto diet influence my viewing habits?

Anyway, back to The Walking Dead.  It's the same thing.

Step one: find safe haven
Step two: realize safe haven is not safe
Step three: hide that you've realized this
Step four: try to decide if it's worth settling for unsafe vs. outside the walls
Step five: decide that overtaking safe haven is better option
Step six: in overtaking safe haven, other bad guys show up
Step seven: get captured by new bad guys once you thought you were finally safe
Step eight:  get one or two of your people killed
Step nine: get free
Step ten: find safe haven
repeat times infinity.
Don't forget to watch out for the zombies.

I guess this is the show.  That's all it is.  It's based on a comic book that I've never read.  So I guess they have to follow the storyline.  It's just another show designed to get viewers.  But I guess that's the purpose of tv shows.  To get people to watch and enjoy.  And when they stop enjoying it they'll stop making it.

When you stop enjoying something...maybe you should just stop that something too.

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