Tuesday, October 11, 2016

This is How You Public

In the morning...for me it's kind of like an out of body experience.  I just let my mind go into the keyboard.  True story.  Sometimes I don't ever reread what comes out here.  Sometimes I do.  And when I do, I usually am surprised.  Not because of the brilliance that lies in 1's and 0's in the computer, but that I don't often remember most of what I write.  I know I wrote it, but I only remember putting a word at a time and not the piece in it's entirety.

First thing today.  I was going to make say...I've never been in a locker room or with any other men that talked about women in the vile way that Donald (i figured there is no need for last names, no one calls her Clinton, just Hillary.  Why is that?) talks about women.  I say talks, because he hasn't changed.   And writing it off as locker room talk?  No.  I don't think so.  That's like saying you were drunk when you raped her, so it doesn't count.  NO, it most certainly counts.  I cannot believe that there are people that are still supporting this person to be the president.  I see stupid memes floating around that people care more about what Clinton has done then they do about what Trump has said.  What a bullshit meme.  Did you not hear Donald talking about grabbing women by the pussy?  HE DID THAT.  IT WASN'T JUST TALK.  What is wrong with you people that still support him?  I get that you don't want Clinton in office, but is Donald the value you are placing on America?  C'mon.

Secondly.  When you post stuff on the internet it is subject to scrutiny.  When you go public with anything, you may get critics.  I take a risk everyday that someone is going to go off on something I write.  But you know what I've learned in almost 7 months of doing it every day?  You can't let critics get to you.  Odds are you touched a nerve in them.  And instead of lashing out at them, find out what that nerve is and HIT IT AGAIN!   Just kidding.  Just don't fight back.  There's no point.  Be confident in what you said.  And if you do come to the conclusion that you said something wrong, own it.

Sometimes I get my material from Facebook.  Someone posts a meme or something that I believe could be hurtful or misrepresenting someone.  So I offer the other perspective.  Sometimes when I write about the photo, the person that originally posted it reads what I wrote.  And it can be taken personal.  That everything I say about that photo is an insult to them.  While I get it may feel like that, it's not.  I don't always make enough disconnect that when I talk about the photo or meme, I'm not talking about the person that posted it.  But sensitive people (it's ok to be sensitive, often sensitive people have the best intentions) can take it hard and be hurt by my words.  I'm sorry.  

Example,  if I see a pile of dog shit and talk about how gross it is.  How much it stinks and that it smears and is hard to clean off and total eliminate the stink.  I'm not talking about the dog that pooped it.  I'm talking about the poop.  Does that make sense?  Me talking about the poop doesn't speak to the character of the dog. So next time I pull a meme off your timeline and write about it, it's not an insult to your character.  The dog didn't intentionally poop to piss someone off,  just like the meme or photo was not posted to piss someone off.  Just like I'm not writing about to piss anyone off, just to get people to think about the meme or photo in a different light.  

And here at the end.  I think there is some really deep psychological stuff that goes on when we read into something that someone may have wrote about us.  I wrote about 3 pages earlier on that and confused myself.  So I deleted it.   Think about how anyone high profile feels.  They get hundreds of thousands into the millions of pieces written about them every day.  And most likely the majority is a lie, half truth, or almost truth.  Do you think the high profile person gets on the internet and tries to defend themselves?  Hardly.  They continue on.  They might listen to what people are saying and take  an honest look and see if any of it does hold some truth.  And if so, they own it.  

What about when someone takes God's name in vain?  I call this speaking about what God is or what God does on the behalf of God.  People can guess.  But they have NO idea how God works or if God even works.  So when I see someone posting about how God works, I call it out.  While that person may have felt God in their moment, that's for them.  Again, that's why Jesus said don't tell anyone the miracle that just happened.  IT'S IN THE BIBLE.  Don't tell anyone the God moment.  But let it mold who you are and be the change.

Ok...this is getting long.  But I want to talk more about false teaching about God tomorrow.  Which may very well be....false.  It'll be about winning sports games.  What harm could happen?

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