Saturday, October 29, 2016

Unasked for advice is criticism

*EDIT.  Warning, Unasked for Advice CAN be taken as Criticism.

That's what I've been told.  And it can often feel like that.  But what if someone is complaining about a problem and you have a have a potential solution or at least one worth looking into?  Do you tell them?  Or do you let them suffer?

It's hard for me to let them suffer.  But when you make a suggestion so many dismiss it.  Some even get upset.  Some don't believe you and get mad.  Some tell you to stop acting holier than thou.

Well...I'm sorry.  Sorry for caring.  Sorry if I'm not good enough for you.  Sorry for thinking I'd offer a tidbit of information that may make your life a little easier.  Sorry for not interpreting the fact you just want to complain a bit (which is sometimes ok) and you aren't looking for advice.

Next time I'll just let you complain.

There are even times someone has suggested something to me and I may have gotten upset or taken offense to it.

But what if I was trying to screw in a nail because I only ever learned how to use a screwdriver?  If you had a hammer, I'd certainly welcome that advice.

Myself included....sometimes we can be so damn prideful that we can't even accept the well intended suggestion or advice from someone.  You have to be careful dismissing someone.  Because if the person making the suggestion respects you and gets shot down or told to keep their mouth shut because they don't know what they are talking about, they just might.

And that would be a shame.  Because they could very well have been right and brought some great insight into a situation.

Most people today have no clue how stuff works.  They only know what works for them.  And what works for them doesn't work for everyone.

Take diets for example.  Or how food works in your body.  When I would go on long runs they said you had to fuel properly.  I never quite figured out how to fuel properly.  What was this carb loading people spoke of?  Why did it just not make sense in my brain?

When I started eating low carb/ketogenic.  I did it to lose weight.  What I didn't expect to learn was all the other benefits.  Some effected me, some didn't.  I've heard about so many people that have  reversed type 2 diabetes, reduced inflammation,  and impoved brain cognition.  It's also been effective at treating and preventing cancer and treating Alzheimer's.  There is lot's of new and emerging information on what you eat and how it effects you.  Is it a cure all?  Fuck no.  I'm still depressed and have crazy mood swings.  But I had all that before too.  But I will's better.

And as far as carb loading?  I don't need to do that anymore.  Because I eat less than 20g net carbs a day. If that!  I burn fat.  I don't need to eat anything for fuel.  I carry it with me all the time!  4 hour bike ride, no problem.

So yeah...when I hear people complaining about things that may be caused by the foods they eat, or negative symptoms that can potentially be alleviated by making a dietary adjustment.  I'm gonna say something.  Because I care.  I have nothing to gain or lose.  I'm not selling a product.  I'm not in my suggestion for selfish gain.  I just want to offer a simple solution that may help people.  Not as a guarantee, but as an option to try.

I often get confused.  When I hear someone complain about a hardship they are experiencing, I want to help.  If I have something in my toolbox that can help them, I want to share it.  I understand  some people just want to complain and aren't willing to actually do anything to change the situation.  And it's not always because they just want to complain it's because change would be harder than what it is they are complaining about.

Or maybe it's not even a complaint at all.  Maybe they just want people to see how strong they are for enduring such hardships.

Maybe some people just want to be in pain.  Maybe they always want to be struggling.  I don't know. But if you have something good, as simple as it may be, why not share it?  Especially if it's enough to go around.

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