Monday, October 3, 2016


No....this isn't about the fusion of churches.  This is about the diffusion of churches.  And not just in location but in theology, ideology and biology.  There are urban church's, suburban churches, rural churches.  Churches that are incredibly patriotic, prosperity minded, anti gay/gay affirming, and incredibly open churches in all things.  You have primarily white middle class churches, old people churches, black churches, and I've heard it said that Sunday is the most segragated day in America because of churches.   If I was to go to church because I love who Jesus is/was and wanted to see more good news, where would I go?

It's like making a decision of where to go out to eat.  There are several different restaurants to choose from and they all serve the one thing you are looking for, food.  But you have to decide what kind of food you want.  Italian food, American food, fast food, formal setting, relaxed atmosphere, breakfast food...decision fatigue like crazy!  But only want food.  Any food should do.  Right? Apparently not.  You want what you want.  And you'll choose accordingly.

But what about churches?  Obviously a bit more important than picking out a restaurant.  What are the greatest commandments given to us from the bible?  Love God with all your heart, should and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.  Am I right?   So why all the division?  There seems to be a lot of differing ways to do that.  And lately...there seems to be an awful lot of people that apparently don't love themselves to much based on how they are loving their neighbor.

All churches are wrong.  Every single one of them.  If they weren't, why are there so many different denominations and divisions of churches?  Should churches be that one place you know that regardless of what you are hungry for, you know you'll get fed and be fulfilled?

This is why I can't be satisfied with church, even if I ever found a church that I can get behind.  It's still a church.  How can any one trust Christianity if churches can't even all get on the same page?

I'm not saying that churches can't be beneficial to people.  I'm just saying that there are a lot of people that would love to be a part of a community based around the type of person Jesus was that will never be included in a "church".  Simply because of the division inside the church itself.  Right....I know.  Churches have so many different types of people.  So what's you point?  The church isn't supposed to be a reflection of the types of people that attend and their views,  it's supposed to be a reflection of Jesus.

Some church going Christians might disagree with everything I say and take it as criticism.  I hope you don't.  I'm not saying I'm right or have all the answers.  But I used to be incredibly devoted to the church.  And now I'm not.  Maybe it would be beneficial to listen.

Churches should be like McDonald's.  Their food is Jesus.  Their food is the message.  It doesn't matter where in the world you go, the food at McDonald's tastes the same.

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