I don't know when this inner voice was created that we aren't good enough. That we have to keep working. There is no time to rest.
It's like we have to say YES to everything. When all we want to do is say NO.

I don't know if this thought and feeling in me manifested in Amway, or it only was magnified by it. Was is church culture? The constant need to reach out to the lost? To reach the unreached? If you ever rest, unsaved people will go to hell. But yet....the sabbath...
Or was in childhood. "Hey mom and dad, can I go play football? Can I go on a bike ride and go fishing?" The answer was usually, did you finish _____? Always had to finish something or get something done before I did the fun thing.
It's like all my life I feel as though I can never do what I want to do, but what I think is expected of me. I'll buy the slightly less expensive thing instead of the nicer thing. For no reason other than I don't think I deserve any of it.
Another thing to remember....it's ok to say no. Even if someone asks you to do something and you're only reason to say no is that you don't want to. Just say no. You don't need to give them a reason. For example, we used to borrow a PA system often from the same person. He would always say yes. We would never pay for it, and he would never accept money for it. But over time, it's easy for him to feel as though he's being used. Should he have said no, or accepted (or even asked for) money. Yes. That would have been fine. Instead resentment grew.
You can still be a kind person with a good heart and say no.
Sometimes you just need to say no. Withdraw from everyone and go breath deep in the woods. If you don't take care of yourself, you'll be of no use to anyone.
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