Monday, October 10, 2016

Where is the Hand of God now?

They do this because the trust you.  When a dog poops,
they are vulnerable to being attacked.  Hell, when anyone
poops they are vulnerable.  So if the dog sees you become nervous,
they know it's time to pinch it off and run.  That's
why they stare at you.  It's a sign of trust.  Who do you
stare at while you shit?  Facebook.  Stop trusting in Facebook. 
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be on the same Facebook thread with the "friend" that posted the hand of God protecting Florida photo.  We, I say we but he wasn't talking to me, were talking about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  He hates them both.  The other few people want Trump to withdraw from the race.  This guy was floored when the majority on the thread said Hillary Clinton was a far better option for President than Donald Trump.

I really wanted to just tell him to pray about it.  That if the Hand of God can protect Florida from a hurricane, God can surely protect America from a President.   I couldn't do it though.  Because I'm not a hurtful guy.  And yes...I don't like trolling or engaging in debates.  But I almost did, I went to his page to pull another stupid photo and noticed he told someone else it's "childish" to delete people simply because they don't agree.  I really want to call him out on it.  Maybe I will.  I'd much rather spend some time sharing my mind with people that want to read it.  You clicked the link.

This is why I put my thoughts in a blog.  So I don't have to do that on Facebook.  I don't like arguing on Facebook.

Because here, I can say stuff and often times realize the err in what I say.  Rarely do I engage in an argument on Facebook anymore.  Because I know it's not good for me.  But who knows.  Maybe I will.

I have a feeling by now...if someone wants to get a good idea of who I am, they can do that right here.  Well over two hundred blog/journal entries to read through.

But please, don't pick one blog and base your entire opinion about who I am on what you find.

Anyway..subject change.  I went to church yesterday.  I did what I had done the last time I went.  Dropped the kids off at their classes and I went up in the café area and did some reading/writing and conversing with some friends over Facebook messenger.

No...lets not go there.  Lets talk about another photo my friend who is the hand of God posted yesterday.  This is what happens when you don't use your brain.  You see cheesy photos like this and think they are they greatest things ever.  First, no one ever said God was at the top of the pyramid.  God is omnipresent.  So God is everywhere.  God can be with the husband AND the wife regardless of where they are on the triangle.   Secondly, no one ever said this is what a relationship structure looks like.   The ONLY maybe slightly redeeming truth in this is that....Yeah, I got nothin.


  1. If you're going to post stuff about your "friend" from Florida... at least make it accurate.

    1) I don't "hate" either Trump or Clinton.

    2) "This guy" wasn't/isn't "floored" that anyone thinks Clinton would make a better President. I was simply asking Kyle's (one person's) opinion, cause I wanted to know that one person's opinion.

    3) I do pray for this country and it's leadership (although not as much as I could/should). 2 Chronicles 7:14... God is a gentleman. He gives people free will. If the people of this country want one of those two poor choices, God will let them have it. I pray that hearts will change. That people will humble themselves.

    4) Yes, I do believe it was the hand of God that protected Florida. "In this life you will have trouble..." God never said everything or anything would be easy in this life. If he wanted to give us "justice" we'd all be damned because of our sin, arrogance and pride. Thankfully, God is full of grace. He could destroy the whole earth (again). I pray for those in Haiti. It is sad and unfortunate what happened. That doesn't make God evil. Paul said, "to live is Christ, to die is gain." For all we know, those people who lost their lives are in a far better place now.

    5) You sent me a friend request. Not vise versa. So I assume you "clicked on me" cause you wanted to read and look at my "stupid photos" and what I post.

    6) I use my brain just fine Jonathan. It does seem odd to me though, that you'd send me a friend request, and then spend your time tearing me down, saying I don't have a brain, saying non-truths about me or what I say/think. That seems, well, rather childish to me. If you don't want me as a "friend", don't simply don't request me to be one.

    7) The photo is a simple illustration, that if you (as a married couple draw closer to God, you'll draw closer to each other. Being a sinner, certainly not close to perfect guy who's made a lot of mistakes in my life, this illustration I have found to be true.

  2. Rumor has it Guardian sat on the triangle because he wanted God inside him

  3. Very mature "keyboard warrior", unknown...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
