Honestly. I don't like to engage outside of this spot right here. But maybe I should. I know my heart. I know my intent. But for some reason, it doesn't come out right. And people get mad and I don't like the way that makes them feel and I don't like the way it makes me feel. But I also feel the need to try to communicate.
Like when someone calls abortion murder. I can't not respond saying that if that's your stance, the killing of an innocent child is murder, so is war. So I hope you call everyone involved in war a murderer. Innocent people and children die during war times. People die from hunger and lack of water all of the world, yet we sit in luxury. We are murderers....it you call abortion murder, make sure you call yourself one too. In my opinion anyway. You KNOW for a fact people are dying and if you don't do anything about it....you let them die.
When someone calls people and their actions disgraceful for stepping on an american flag as a form of protest, but doesn't speak to the disgrace of the countless hurtful things said by whom they were protesting. It makes me mad.
When Franklin Graham sends out an email, a very biased email, about voting this November warning that " a more liberal court will have devastating consequences" while using the Samaritans Purse email list, it makes me furious. THAT is disgraceful. He is risking the funding of the

So, I try not to engage. Not because I don't like you. But because I do. And I don't believe that some of the people that post things are as bad and hurtful as some of the things they post. And I don't want them to feel that way.
Enjoy the meme I created with actual middle eastern Jesus. Reminding us that grace is for everyone. Lets remember though, grace doesn't mean letting people do or say what they want. It's not a be as big of jerk as you'd like buffet. Grace leads to transformation. Perhaps I should look at confronting as extending an opportunity for Grace.
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