Saturday, April 23, 2016

I might as well push a little bit.

Sometimes when I want to buy a book (audiobook) I have a hard time paying over 10-15 dollars for it. I know lots of people that cringe at a 5 dollar book.  So, I have no problems paying ten dollars for a music album and 99% of people have no problem paying 5 dollars for a coffee.   What's up with that? 

A 5 dollar one time use coffee that you probably buy 3-4 times a week costing you $20.  Which equates to almost $1000 a year.  FOR COFFEE.  All joking aside, something you do not need.  But even a $20 book or a $10 music album that you can enjoy for the rest of your life is too expensive?  Give me a break.   Ever wonder where your coffee comes from?  If all the employees from planting, harvesting to pour over get paid fairly for your 5 dollar cup of coffee.  OH, by the way, I can buy a bag of coffee for $6 that gets me will over 25 cups of coffee.  That should tell you how much of your money goes towards your special "americanized" coffee.  

This is a frustrating post for me to write.  Mainly because I know so many people that could EASILY afford $30-$100 plus every month to employ a Haitian so they could feed their own family as well as many orphans.  It's ONE dinner out.  It's a week without coffee.  But you know what, I bet most of you don't even have to give anything up.   It's frustrating.  I'm not mad at anyone.  I don't look at people disgustingly because they don't.  I'm sure you all give loads of money away to charities outside of your tithe money.  This is an honest plea.'s not that much money.   I wouln't mind if you'd consider donating a little  bit of money.  Even if it's only ten bucks a month.  TEN FREAKING DOLLARS.  I know you can afford that if you are on an iphone.  As much as I hate making assumptions like that.  If you can't swing it, you can't.  I'm not judging.  

When you're sitting in an office of a pediatric clinic and watch a sick kid get medicine for free because their parent can't afford it, it's gut wrenching.  It's only 4 dollars.  About the cost of a coffee that will put a child's ailments at ease.  And the clinic, who's sole priority is to provide care for children (and some adults) has to decide to give it away, or keep it because they can't afford it. If they keep it, what are they there for?  No care is given.  If they give it away, the wouldn't receive the money to cover the cost of the medicine and to pay their wonderful staff of nurses and doctors.  Oh, one of those nurses paycheck goes to fund their orphanage as well.  Right now, help is needed on the finance end.  To help cover the cost.  What can you afford?  5, 10, 25, 100 dollars a month?  Think about may never know exactly how much your donation is appreciated.  But it is, trust me.  To see the look on a parents face that their childs ailments are going to be treated.  This is love.  From both sides, the parent and donor.  And please don't assume that becasue there are massive amounts of people being asked that a lot of people will give. It doesn't work that way, although it would be nice.  Assume nobody else gives.  And you can do it here. 

Choose the amount you want to give and choose Heavens Angels Pediatric Clinic from the drop down menu.  Thank you so much.  You have no idea how much it helps.  If you enjoy reading my blogs and consider them valueable, make a donation.  These places are usually one to two months away from shutting down.  Please help.  Ok, I'm done begging now.  

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