Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Shitting with the door open

I couldn't think of a more clever title to talk about the transgender bathroom talk that's floating around. It's absurd.  You've been shitting with transpeople in your restroom your entire life and it's never been a bother to you.  Why all of the sudden is it a problem?  Some people say it opens up a door for men to dress as a women and go into the womens bathroom.  UMMMMM.  No.  Actually, your anti-trans bathoom bill does that.  Follow me here...Have you ever met a transgendered person?  Most often you cannot tell by the outward appearence when clothed.  So, if a transman is expected to use the female restroom they would look fully male.  Like I would.  So all I would have to do is walk into your ladies restroom claiming to be a transman but because I have a vagina i have to pee here.  Would you like to see it?  Are we going to have dick checkers in all the bathrooms?   This is what you people who want penis's to use the mens room and vaginas to use the womens room.  You are in fact making things worse for everyone.  

As it stands, people that look like women will use the womens room.  People that look like men will use the mens room.  That way, if a bearded lady wearing a dress walks into the womens room, you have a reason to be a little cautious. could just not use public restrooms if you are afraid.  But seriously.  You have nothing to be afraid of.  These bills that are created are only spreading fear, hate and ignorarance.  It is absolutely sickening.  

The biggest concern I hear is about safety.  I'm sorry...this is bullshit.  And honestly...right now I don't even know where to begin.  If you think this bill will help keep you safe and you are concerned about safety, stop eating processed foods.  Stop texting while driving.  Put on a bicycle helmet.  Stop playing on the playgrounds.  Start teaching your kids how to be safe and recognize dangerous situations instead of voting for ridiculous laws.  

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