Monday, April 4, 2016


I was going to save this one.  But I won't  Here it goes.  People can be real assholes.  Let's talk about conditional giving across christian culture.  Because it's a real thing and it creates false hope.  It's a really shitty thing to do.  In case you haven't figured it out.  I've got a lot of beef with this.  Again, no church in particular....just all of them.

A few days ago I had someone tell me that they tithe (here comes the church stuff again) and after the money leaves their hands it's on the church to do the right thing with it.  Well, what if the pastor started doing some preaching and presented some opposing views?  Sadly, I've seen this happen and people leave.  Taking their money with them.   And in doing that, the church loses money from their budget.  If enough people do this salaries may get cut, people could lose their jobs, bills may not get paid, etc.

I see a couple things disturbing to me about this.  Why did the church set itself up that if people stopped giving they would hurt financially and cause stress?  And why just up and leave without a conversation?  Did everyone in the church change or just the pastor?  And is it not ok to change views the further you study scripture?  Isn't this what you pay your pastor for?  To bring the truth?  Oh, until you don't like the truth and it's not what your itchy ears want to hear.  I get it.  I thought you trusted your pastor, I guess not.

A lot of pastors rely on the income from church to feed their family.  This is also awkward for me to wrap my head around.  Because if you have the above, there is a fear in your head that if you say the wrong thing, people might stop giving and my family will suffer.  This isn't a good place to be. This is why I've never committed any money to a church.  It's always been whatever we gave.  But I do understand why they need pledges or some type of guess to what's going to come in.  Because the church finances need run like a business.  And me personally, I don't feel good about it.  But I know, as with all of my complaints/struggles there is an explanation and reason why things are done.

Some of you reading this might not think this happens.  Ask around.  And ask around for the truth.  Ask some former pastors.  I'm tell you, church attenders, don't EVER think pastors have it easy peasy.  Don't EVER think there is not a concern about money.  Even if there isn't.  There may be.

Just take a look at so many bands and singers in christian music culture.  Ask Michael Gungor what happens when you start digging into your faith and ask hard questions.  Their was tremendous backlash from the "christian" community.  And all he did was wonder if the creation story actually happened.  It was a hard time for his family.  

And about missionaries. The money given to them is even tighter.  And they are serving most likely in another country, away from their friends and family.  They have to do EVERYTHING right in fear that if they do or say the wrong thing people would stop giving.  This fear can sometimes be so crippling that it keeps you from saying anything.  It's not right.  AT ALL.  But they do it.  Because to them, starving, hurting, sick kids mean more to them.  And they'll do anything to continue to help them.  Even if it comes at a cost to their own emotional health.   I heard a podcast about a family serving in Africa that posted an article to their Facebook page about something that contained a political leaning.  The political part wasn't even the theme of the article.   It wasn't much, something they would have avoided had the known the fallout.  Several donors withdrew their funds and caused cutbacks in the ministry.  Do you know who suffers the most.  The VERY ONES JESUS SAID TO CARE FOR.  THE LEAST OF THESE.  Makes me so sick.

Now is when I'm going to start getting really mad and may fire off expletives and call people out.  Just be warned.  I'm not getting paid to write this blog, and you chose to read it.  So I can say whatever I want.

World Vision.  Opened up employment to all people. Seems natural right?  Well, several "CHRISTIANS"  didn't like the idea of married gay people working for a christian company.  So they pulled their sponsorships.  I'm sorry...that's just downright pathetic.  You should be ashamed if you did that.  Pro-life my ass you are.  World Vision lost 15,000 sponsorships with as many as 19,000 by the end.  Casting Crowns...decided that their stance of gay marriage was more important than feeding and caring for widows and orphans.    Let that sink in.  19,000 children and families that had been receiving letters, cards, gifts, food, and LIFE.  Imagine that all stopping.  A relationship broken.  Makes me wonder why people even started giving in the first place, obligation maybe?  Guilt?  Certainly it wasn't because they actually loved and cared for the least of these, otherwise an issue like this wouldn't have mattered to you.  Just makes me absolutely sick.  Do you think a child clinging to life and hope given to them by world vision cares that much about the sexual orientation for the person cashing checks so he can eat?

This type of thing is systematic.  It happens without even realizing it.  And when it does it's a shock.  Where are the hearts of people?  There is even a slight ping of fear in me for saying stuff like this.   I'm not even being sponsored  by anyone nor am I affiliated with any one particular ministry.

I heard someone say once, give because you are impressed by the need, not because of the need to impress.

We live in America.  Freedom of speech.  Except for when there isn't.  There are consequences to that.  And I understand that.  But as christian people, is God not bigger than that?  Is God not bigger than petty differences?  Does God not care more about people?

And hey...if you find yourself sitting here agreeing with me and you think it's ridiculous some of these stories I'm telling about.   Are you helping?  Isn't this a good opportunity to say, I care more about people.  And even if you aren't a christian, do you need to be to donate to World Vision or other Christ centered ministry?  No.  You don't.

Thanks for reading.  I love you all.  You know, at the end of almost every post I write like this I feel like a total asshole. I know I sounded really passionate and angry.  I am.  But that doesn't mean I'm not open to hear an explanation or reason why this stuff happens.

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