Tuesday, April 26, 2016

screens are killing our kids and other bull.

Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm ignorant.  But I can't stand all these articles written about how screen time and video games are a monster that is destroying our kids.  I get really fired up.  My blood boils. I just want to tell the author....THEN PUT YOUR DAMN COMPUTER AWAY, STOP WRITING AND GO PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS.  YOU ARE FEEDING THE EVIL YOU ARE SAYING IS DESTROYING YOUR FAMILIES.  WHEN DO YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE GOING TO READ YOUR ARTICLE?  AT THE SAME TIMES YOU SAY ARE HURTFUL.  If they are already feeling bad about the amount of time they are on their phone, and they read your article on the phone, do you think you hurt them or helped them?  You probably just added guilt and shame.  

It pisses me off.  The next 50 years aren't going to be the same at all as the previous.  Times are changing.  Your kids love technology and the limitless aspect to it.  Let them explore that world.  It engages the brain in ways you'll never know.  Set boundaries, sure.  If you need to. But technology is not the enemy.  STOP SHAMING KIDS AND ADULTS FOR PICKING UP THEIR IPHONE.  When you do that, you create a monster so much worse than the actual screen ever will.  Just stop.

Screens are fine.  It's your parenting skills that need work.  And guess what?  You aren't alone.  Everyone needs to sharpen their parenting skills  But don't try to blame technology for your deficiencies as a parent.  Parenting is hard and all kids are different.  Cut yourself some slack.  Stop being so scared.  The next however many years are going to be technology driven.  Ask the generation before you about the technological advancements they've seen.  Think about when you were a kid....how much have we advanced?  If you want family time, have family time.  When I was a kid, I went fishing and rode my bike.  You know what?  I was pissed when I had to come home or wasn't allowed to do it.  It's the same thing, just a different activity.

You want to force a child to enjoy the outdoors or something other than a screen?  That's a great way to make them hate it.  Ever try to to force someone to enjoy sex?  How'd that work out for you?  It's a mutual relationship.  No matter how much you tell your kid to shut the techno off and play outside.  They won't learn to love the outside, they will grow resentful of it.  The outdoors is stealing my screen time.

Do both.  Sit and play a video game outside.   Have them find a map on a gps app and go hike it.  Have them make a map!  Show them how map my run works and see if they can spell their name in the yard with the tracking line.

Enroll them in a programming course to learn how to develop apps and software.  Show them videos of kids doing other fun things outside.

Screens are not the enemy.  You know what is?  Forced family fun.  Learn how to make the fun outdoor activity fun, not a punishment.

Parenting isn't easy.  Articles that shame parents about their kids use of screen time and video games are not helpful.  AT ALL.   If you need a game on the iPhone at the grocery store or restaurant for your kids while they wait, that's ok.

Do I think boundaries are good!  You bet.  But you can't roll them out in one day.  Don't beat yourself up if things aren't going your way in the parenting department!  It's hard!  Take it slow.  Learn how your childs brain works.  Learn how your own brain works.

That's all for now.

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