Friday, April 29, 2016

Keeping up Appearances

I've always been one to push the societal norms.  I like to dress a bit different, wear shoes or no shoes, uncover my tattoos or cover them or other things that would make my appearance not match the stereotype.  You know...long haired, bearded, tattooed shoeless man is scary.  I like to prove the opposite.  Looks aren't everything.  

We grew up wearing off brand clothes and shoes that looked just like name brand.  I had a pair Nucleas shoes that looked just like the Penny Hardaways.   I remember the first time someone complimented the new Penny's and I had to correct them.  Actually, it's Nucleas.  Looks just like them though!   It was awkward.  I didn't want to insult their shoe knowledge.  But they were basically nikes for poor people.  And yes, I can vouch that the more expensive basketball shoes actually do perform better than ones from payless.  Just like your $150 full suspension wal mart mountain bike will fall apart within minutes on the trails I ride.  And you will get hurt.  

Everyone is so concerned with how you look.  And it bugs the shit out of me.  Your outer doesn't make your inner.  Or does it?  Sometimes it's ok.   For example....If you look good, you'll probably feel better about yourself.  But why?  Because of you go out wearing dirty jeans and ripped shirt and smell like stink, people will look at you in disgust.   

You know, if you go into church like that they will look at you in disgust too.  I know, because I've tried it.  

On an unrelated note, this one time at a big mega church they did a shoe drive to take shoes to third world countries.  I was unaware of this, and everyone had brought shoes to  bring to the altar to donate.  Well, I was wearing my favorite shoes.  I took them up and left them.  I was the only one that did this.  Apparently everyone wanted to ditch their old shoes instead of their nice church shoes.  

Anyway, this was supposed to be short.  I'm not even getting started yet.  

You know at churches, they often promote dressing nice and looking your best.  Why?  Jesus doesn't give a shit what you wear.  Come as you are, right?  WRONG.  Even in Haiti.  I've never seen one person dress in dirty clothes going to church.  Why?  because less than your  best isn't worthy of being present.  Come as you are.  Literally.  As.  You.  Are.  Naked.  Well, maybe not naked.  But you can bet your bare ass that Jesus encountered people that didn't have a dime to clothe themselves.  Jesus died naked.  They stripped him of his clothes.  

Stop keeping up appearences.  You know, some people change their outward appearence to feel comfortable.  I see so many christians railing against this transgender ordeal.  They don't agree with changing one's body to match one's brain.   But yet they have no problem with boob jobs, liposuctions, plastic surgery, make up, excessive exercise, dieting, hair styles and perfume.  Aren't all these things done so you feel better about yourself?  So why the problem with transgender surgeries?  

We all judge based on appearence.  Sometimes it's helpful, sometimes it's not.  If I see a plain clothes guy in public sporting his right to open carry his AR-15.  I'm going to make a judgement about him or her.  If I see someone with binoculars looking at a playground full of children, I will make judgements.  I will also question them as well.   

I'm getting off track.  But that's that for today. 

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