Friday, April 15, 2016

When the waters gone dry.

I never thought I'd sit here and wonder what to write about.   Give me am minute or two of rambling and I'll come up with something.  I at least came up with a clever title to match the situation I'm feeling.  When the water's gone dry,  What do you do?  Do you keep looking or give up?  Literally, when the water has run dry, you are in dire straights.  Water is life.  Do you settle in and hope for rain?  Or do you go look for water?  I don't know the actual statistics of people that have settled in and hoped for rain, but I'm certain that they would die if it didn't rain and they didn't move.  What about the people that move?  They've got to think about how much they move.  They can't sweat to much or expend to much energy because they've got no water.  What would you do?

If I didn't know what to write about and just sit here and wait for an idea, nothing would ever get written.  So I start writing, and hope I stumble on something.  Sometimes you just have to push yourself to action whether you feel like it or not.  Action always precedes motivation.  Lying in bed, you certainly won't be motivated to get up and exercise.  You might even be ten minutes into exercise and still wonder what you are doing.  But I bet at the end of your exercise or endeavor you are glad you got up and did it.  It's hard to do, I know.  But you can do it.  Keep moving forward.  Just keep moving, even if it's backwards.  An object in motion tends to stay in motion.  So even if you find yourself slipping backwards, at least you are moving.  All you have to do is turn around.

When I'm mountain biking and come through a rock garden, like the one in the photo.  It's not uncommon to find these where I bike.  If you stop, you aren't going again.  But if you carry your momentum and find the right line, it's much easier.  I don't always make it.  But if I fall or have to put a foot down, I'll try one more time.  I usually fall about 3 feet later and then I either turn around and try again or just walk.  Starting from a stop is hard.  There is no shame in walking, in moving forward toward the goal or the next obstacle.  But hills, I ride up EVERY hill.  Right......some of those get walked too.

Next time you find yourself coming to an obstacle of life, see if you can find a line to follow from someone that's been there before.  They've made it through and I'm sure would be more than happy to give you some tips for handling the rough terrain of life.  And if you fall off, don't stop.  Just get up and walk.  And sometimes you do have to turn around and start over, that's ok too.

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