Friday, April 22, 2016

Voodoo and Stuff

Voodoo is pretty popular in Haiti it seems.  I'd never asked about voodoo or what it was. But I did a little reading this morning and in no way way I am an expert. But it seems it's not much different than christianity or catholicism.  So similar that many don't even differentiate between the two.  What we see on tv about voodoo is far fetched and not realistic.  Maybe extreme voodoo.  

When I was in Amway, it was frowned upon when you took a break.  If someone in your downline called you and asked what you were doing, you'd better have been out doing meetings.  Setting up a new IBO, doing a ditto, or showing the plan.  If you weren't working hard you showed your downline that it was ok to let off the gas a little bit. And that was a no no.  You had to be working for your freedom 24/7.  Yes....lack of sleep seemed to be honored. It seemed like you had to be working all the time to earn favor and status.  Results were recognized but working hard seemed to recognized even more.  

Working hard does not always equal success.  And many amway people still recognized hard work even though they said worked smarter, not harder. As long as you were working though, that meant the odds were in your favor to get results.  And results made money.  

Greek mythology was like this.  People working hard to earn favor and blessing from the God's. If one on any given day doesn't receive favor or blessing they will look back on the day and maybe see if they did something the God's might not be happy with.  And the next day they'll try not to do that.  Then if the god's do bless them, they'll note what they did that day in the books and try to continue those behaviors.  But what do they do when they replicate those behaviors and don't receive blessings?  Or they meet someone else that does a "forbidden behavior" and that person seems to be given blessing.  It sounds really complicated.  

This thinking still exists today.  We do things anticipating a response.  Whether it be from someone else or God or gods. It's like we're trying to please someone other than ourselves.  What makes you happy?  Do that.  Are you proud of yourself? Great.  What makes you come alive?  Do that.  Honestly, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about you.  How do you think of you?  Be honest.  If you really aren't happy with where you are in life, it's ok to ask for help.  But find someone that's not going to judge you or use you for their benefit.  There are people out there that genuinely care for others with no expectations.  

Don't put so much pressure on yourself to impress other people. Or a God.  Or gods.  Be you, for you.  

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