Sunday, April 17, 2016

Replacing, renewing and transformation

Todays writing took a turn.  I was going to write about something I didn't know what I was going to write about.  But then I thought I'd try my hand at relationships.

Ten years ago yesterday was the day I asked my wife, Emily, to marry me.  I had the help of a few friends prepping the location and a hidden photographer.  I took her to a gazebo at a local park which was just freshly decorated with flowers by my dad.  It was Easter sunday, ten years ago.  I talked about how Spring brings the dead back to life and things begin to grow and asked if she would she start a new life in marriage with me. Or something like that.  She said yes, obviously, with little convincing.  A few months ago they tore that gazebo down.  They did put a new one up.  At first I was a little bitter, but I realized that  as time goes by things begin to break down.  Marriages are no different.  If you don't maintain and actively strengthen and repair it, it will only get worse or end.  

I've put her through a lot.  My wife is a strong woman.  Stronger than she'll ever believe.  She's been with me through all my ups and downs.  If it wasn't for her, I'd not be in good place.  And even as I write this I realize how much more I could be a better husband for her.  And how much more I need to grow.  She's worth it.  Which is why I am still trying to self discover and to learn what a healthy, thriving marriage looks like.  I wasn't given a great example.   I'm thankful Emily was.   And we are working.  I encourage every married couple to seek counseling.  That was Emily's idea.  I pushed back at first but it's been wonderful.  Not easy by any stretch, but so worth it.  And when I say everyone needs to seek therapy or counseling, I mean that.   Even if you are single.  It's one of the greatest investments I've ever made in my life.

How often do you care for things?  Do you clean?  Do you change the oil in your car?  Do you do laundry?  Do you mow your grass?  Maintaining is a part of life.  And your mind and soul are no different.

Yesterday was the day two of my friends got engaged.  They've been dating for a while and have been through their share of ups and downs.  Not just individually, but as a couple as well.  A few months ago I had the chance to spend a week with them in Haiti.  And for a young couple, they surprised me with the amount of maturity they showed as a couple.  You'd have thought they were married already.  And I'm sure some would say they were.  Ashli and Nate, I wish you a very happy engagement and a marriage that will never cease to renew and transform into something more beautiful than you'd ever imagined.  I'm proud of you both and am excited to see what adventures hold for you!  

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