Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Insert attention grabbing title here

So,  yesterday I talked a little bit about conditional giving.  That pastors, missionaries and other people reliant on donor funding are fearful of the things they can and can't say.  It's my 5th most read blog out of 75.  After a day.  The others have been up for almost a year.  Thanks.

But seriously though, I'm gonna try to stay on the lighter side today.  I did my taxes yesterday.  TurboTax is incredible.  If you aren't using TurboTax, get the on it.  Seriously.  It's so easy.

This light writing crap is boring.

I'm gonna talk about swearing again.  I listen to a podcast called "The Bad Christian Podcast", It's really good.  Two guys from the band "Emery" host it with their friend who is a pastor from Seacoast church in South Carolina.  On a cold day two novembers ago I was on the brink of a mental breakdown.  I may have even crossed over into an actual mental breakdown.  It was very confusing.  More on that later.  But I wanted to find a podcast that wasn't your mainstream name it and claim it feel good about yourself jesus podcast.  But I looked up christian podcasts, and there it was, the Bad Christian Podcast.  After a few episodes, I knew this would be my go to podcast.  The first thing I noticed was the swore.  A christian band, a pastor and a worship pastor.  Swearing.  I was so happy.   They were actually being honest!!!  Imagine that!!!!  Now, I'm not all saying all pastors swear, they just hide it.  But c'mon.   Almost everyone does.  Mostly in private cause they feel shame about it.  Stop feeling shame.  Just use language.  Seriously.  I know I'm in the minority of christians that feel this way, or it seems.  Ok...I'm rambling now. Onto my point....

They brought up one of the questions I had about listening to the podcast around their kids, as they have around the same age kids as I do.  None of them would.  And neither do I.  But why?  If I don't have a problem with it?  But some still do.  And as children they don't know the meaning of words or when to use them.  Some adults don't either.  And I know the response they'd get if they said shit in the wrong place.  Odds are they would be told that wasn't a good word to say.  And they'd be confused because they've heard daddy say it.  And then they start correcting daddy and shame sets in about using a word that everyone uses in their own way.  Why not just teach kids what the word means and why some people use it.  That's what we do with all the other words, right?  Lets stop the shame and guilt tied to words that mean the same thing as poop and dang.

What if a friend told me they got pregnant after years of trying.  I know that struggle well.  And out of celebration I exclaim "FUCK YEAH MAN.  That's awesome!"  What's wrong with that?  I'm celebrating with my friends.  You know a lot of you say freakin.   Ok.  I'm rambling now, onto my point.

Some people utter phrases, leaving out letters of the word in question.  Stub your toe?  FFFFFFUUUUUOOUUUCCHHH.  MOTHER FFFFFThat really hurts.  SON OF A BIIIIISCUIT.

Does that relieve you of your guilt?  Are you off the hook?  Does that make it ok?  What if someone hear you, you may have just caused them to say the actual word in their head.

I don't know how I can write so much about this.  But I can.  Because I swear.  Quite often.

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